Ethernet Driver “Tcp/Ip”

Programming AC500 controllers with internal and/or external Ethernet Communication Module via Ethernet can be done by using the driver “Tcp/Ip”. This driver provides the following functions:

  • Online operation of the PLC with the Control Builder
  • Online operation of the PLC with the fieldbus configurator
  • OPC connection with OPC server, as of version V1.3
  • Parallel operation of Control Builder and
  • Parallel operation of Control Builder and OPC server
  • Parallel operation of Control Builder instances with several PLCs

To define a new gateway channel for the Ethernet interface, select “Online/Communication Parameters” and press the button “New” in the “Communication Parameters” window. In the appearing window, enter a name for the channel (for example ETH and select the driver “Tcp/Ip” from the device list.


The following communication parameters can be set for the Ethernet driver “Tcp/Ip”:

Parameter Possible values Meaning
Address IP address or hostname of the PLC
Port 1201 Port 1201
Motorola byteorder Yes (Yes/No) Motorola or Intel byteorder (=Yes for AC500)