Operator Terminal

The second serial interface “CONSOLE” of the CM574-RCOM serves as a monitoring and debugging interface. The user can enter commands to get information about the protocol parameters or check modem connections and monitor the current RCOM messages.

The pin assignment to connect the interface to the COM-Port of a PC is shown below:



It is recommended to provide several PCs for checking the data traffic via the console interfaces of the Communication Modules. Terminal programs are required (PCPLUS or Hyper Terminal; settings: 19200 Baud/s, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity none).

Operator commands

A Communication Module can execute commands, if an according command is entered following the “OPERATOR>”. E.g. “HELP” lists all available commands.

available commands:

   help....................this text

   time....................show RCOM's system time

   event...................show event-queue

   rcom....................show RCOM parameters

   rcsw....................show RCOM status word

   show setup..............show setup-file

   show phone..............show telephone directory

   hangup..................hangup phone

   dial <slave>............dial a slave

   mod <command>...........send a command to modem

   debug <level>...........show/set debug level

The following operator commands can be entered on the console:


Displays a help text on the available commands.


Displays the current RCOM system time.


Displays a table containing the events currently listed in the event queue. The table lists an event number, the event type (40: event with data set, 41: cold start event), data set number and length and the time when the event occurred.


Displays a table containing the current RCOM parameters. IMPORTANT: All times are specified in milliseconds. Some of the times are increased slightly by the Communication Module.


Displays the RCOM status word (RCSW).


Displays the setup data. Refer to section “Setups for dial-up modems”.


Displays the telephone directory. Refer to section “Setups for dial-up modems”.


Hangs up the telephone (only if a dial-up modem is connected).


Dials the telephone number stored in entry “n” in the telephone directory (only if a dial-up modem is connected).

MOD string

Sends “string” to the modem (only if a dial-up modem is connected). The responses of the modem are displayed. Example: “MOD AT14 <ENTER>” -> the modem responds with a table of the most important parameters.


Sets the debug level to “n”. This remains valid until the next initialization by the PLC. If you do not enter “n”, the current debug level is displayed.

  • In the first level, a message containing the most important parameters is output for each telegram received or transmitted by a slave and for each service started by the PLC.
  • In the second level, the Communication Module outputs a message with each important action (including internal operations), e.g. to display received data words and transmitted telegrams, status changes in the RCSW (RCOM status word), status changes in the event queue, etc. The second debug level will probably be of interest in a few cases only. For testing (debugging) the PLC program, the first level is sufficient.

After initialization, the debug level can be set to “1” by entering the command

OPERATOR> debug 1

(corresponding to level 2). Deactivate the messages with

OPERATOR> debug 0

After commissioning, you should deactivate the messages for normal operation of the Communication Module.

Operator messages

All operator messages have the following appearance:

typ-I-identification text

typ-W- identification text

typ-E- identification text

typ-F- identification text


  • Type: Three letters indicating the origin of the message, i.e. “MST” for services performed by a master, “TEL” for telegrams received by a slave, “RPL” for responses transmitted by a slave, etc.
  • I/W/E/F provides information on the type of message:
    • ‘I’:Information used to trace the sequence (debug levels 1 and 2).
    • ‘W’: Warning. Occurs, if e.g. telegrams arrive for which no connection element is planned. Warnings do not disturb the sequence in the Communication Module but do indicate a planning error.
    • ‘E’: An error message of the Communication Module, i.e. if an addressed slave does not respond. Errors disturb the Communication Module when processing the current service but can often be remedied by repeating the service. The “RUN” LED flashes cyclically in case of such an error. If it was possible to fix the error, the LED stops flashing and lights up continuously.
    • ‘F’: Fatal error, remedy not possible. Communication via RCOM to the PLC is aborted by the Communication Module and only operator entries are possible then. The “ERR” LED indicates that a fatal error has occurred.
  • “identification”: Abbreviation of the error message.
  • “text”: Actual message in plain text.

The following tables list the messages possibly output at the operator interface and their significance.

Certain messages contain designations for services that are specified in the following table.

Abbreviated Name of service Triggered in the master with CONNECTION ELEMENT Handled in the slave with CONNECTION ELEMENT
Norm comm part Normalize communictaion part *1) *3)
Quer comm part Status query communication part *1) *3)
Cold start Cold start RCOM_COLDST *3)
Warm start 1 Block all blocks RCOM_WARMST *3)
Warm start 2 Block unique blocks *1) *3)
Set clock Set clock RCOM_CLOCK *3)
Norm user part Normalize user part *1) *3)
Norm all blocks Normalize all blocks RCOM_NORMAL *3)
Norm sep blocks Normalize separate blocks *1) *3)
Write dataset Write dataset RCOM_TRANSMIT RCOM_REC
Write cntrl Write data to control register *1) *3)
Read dataset Read dataset RCOM_READ RCOM_READ_SLV
Event request Event request RCOM_POLL *3)
Repeat read Repeat read command *2) *3)
Repeat write Repeat write command *2) *3)
Dial Dial up slave RCOM_DIAL *3)
Hangup Hang up phone RCOM_HANGUP *3)


*1) not used as master on CM574-RCOM

*2) performed automatically in case of transmission errors

*3) handled automatically in the CM574-RCOM

In the following table, the first column specifies the actual message of the Communication Module. The second column shows a description, the third column specifies the significance of the message, and the fourth column shows remarks indicating the cause of the error.

Message Description Significance Remark
-EPL-E-CPUTO Service timeout, no CPU reaction An occurring event was not fetched by the CPU. RCOM_REC connection element missing *1)
-EPL-I-EVENT Event - ds: .., len: .., .. Event arrived  
-EPL-I- CPUACC Service accepted by CPU Service accepted by CPU  
-EPL-I-SYSMES System message System event occurred (is ignored)  
-EPL-W-CPUREJ Service rejected by CPU Event rejected by CPU (EN in case of RCOM_REC = FALSE)  
-ERR-F-FATAL Fatal error, communication canceled Fatal error occurred, communication terminated  
-EVT-I-BLOCK Blocking event queue Blocking event queue  
-EVT-I-CLEAR Clearing event queue Clearing event queue  
-EVT-I-DEBLK Deblocking event queue Enable event queue  
-EVT-I-GET Event queue empty Event queue is empty  
-EVT-I-GET Getting event Fetching event from queue  
-EVT-I-PUT Putting event Inserting event in queue  
-EVT-W-PUT Event-queue full Event queue is full  
-INI-E-COMGRP Error reading com group, code Error reading special flags for communication processors *2)
-INI-E-EXTINI External init error, … Error during initialization *2)
-INI-E-GRESI Error resetting CPU communication, … It was not possible to reset system bus communication *2)
-INI-E-MOD Error initializing telephone modem, … It was not possible to initialize the telephone modem *3)
-INI-E-OCCUP Error occupying CPU, … It was not possible to assign the PLC *2)
-INI-E-OPER Error initializing operator, … It was not possible to initialize the commissioning interface *3)
-INI-E-PARAM Error in parameter, … Error in parameter *1)
-INI-E-RCOM Error during RCOM-init, … It was not possible to initialize the RCOM mechanism  
-INI-E-RCOM Error initializing RCOM-channel, … It was not possible to initialize the RCOM interface *3)
-INI-E-READ Error reading parameters, … It was not possible to read the RCOM parameters *2)
-INI-E-RS Error reading RUN/STOP, … It was not possible to read the RUN/STOP switch *2)
-INI-E-RSINI Error initializing PLC communication, … It was not possible to initialize the system bus communication *2)
-INI-I-CHECK Checking RCOM-parameters Checking RCOM parameters  
-INI-I-COMGRP Waiting for valid com group Waiting for valid communication area (in special flag for communication processors)  
-INI-I-EXTINI External init done External initialization completed  
-INI-I-EXTINI Waiting for external init Waiting for external initialization  
-INI-I-GRES Resetting CPU communication Resetting system bus communication  
-INI-I-RUN Waiting for RUN-switch Waiting for RUN/STOP switch = RUN  
-KPM-I-EXIT Exit main loop, reason code … Quitting RCOM communication; cause … *4)
-KPM-I-GOODM Good morning!! It is midnight  
-KPM-I-LCNT Lifecount … Cycle counter set to …  
-MOD-E-DIAL Cannot connect It was not possible to establish the dial-up connection *5)
-MOD-E-DIAL Modem already connected Modem is already on line *5)
-MOD-E-DIAL No modem available (modem type = 0) No modem planned *1)
-MOD-E-ENTRY Bad entry in phone file Entry error in telephone directory *5)
-MOD-E-HANGUP Cannot hang up It was not possible to hang up *3)
-MOD-E-INIT Error during modem init Error during modem initialization *3)
-MOD-E-NOFILE No valid files on EEPROM No valid setup/telephone files on EEPROM *5)
-MOD-E-RING No modem available (modem type = 0) No modem planned *1)
-MOD-I-ANS Answer … Modem response: …  
-MOD-I-ANSCMP Compare … - … Comparing modem response with …  
-MOD-I-ANSCMP -MOD-I-ANSCMP Strings are identical  
-MOD-I-DIAL Connected It was possible to set up connection (dial)  
-MOD-I-DIAL Dialing node … Dialing station …  
-MOD-I-DIAL Ring (…) Dialing station …  
-MOD-I-HANGUP Hangup phone Hanging up  
MOD-I-INIT Answer … Modem response:…  
-MOD-I-INIT Init modem (…) Initializing modem  
-MOD-I-RING Connected It was possible to set up connection (going off hook)  
-MOD-I-RING Ring received Telephone ringing  
-MOD-W-DIAL Retry … Retry dialing  
-MOD-W-RING Cannot connect It was not possible to set up connection (going off hook) *5)
-MST-E-ADDR Error reading reply (data), … It was not possible to read the header from the response *6)
-MST-E-LCODE Illegal length-code in reply Incorrect length code in response *6)
-MST-E-POSTA Error reading reply (checksum/postambles),… It was not possible to read the checksum/trailer from the response *6)
-MST-E-PREA Error reading reply (preambles), … It was not possible to read the preamble (leader) from the response *6)
-MST-E-RES Command not reset by CPU Command not acknowledged by CPU *7)
-MST-E-SEND Error sending telegram, … It was not possible to transmit the job *3)
-MST-E-SUM Checksum error in reply Checksum error in response *6)
-MST-I-POLL Checking slave %3d Checking whether slave … has dialed  
-MST-I-POLL Polled slave %3d, result … It was possible to poll the slave …; result …  
-MST-I-RESULT …, result … Service … terminated; result …  
-MST-I-SERV Service … started  
-MST-W-NOSRV No services within hang up time No service within the hang up time, now hanging up *1)
-MST-W-RETRY Retry … Retrying job telegram *6)
-OPR-E-CMD Unknown command … Unknown operator command  
-OPR-E-OCCUP Error occupying CPU, … It was not possible to assign the CPU *2)
-OPR-E-RELEA Error releasing CPU, … It was not possible to release the CPU *2)
-OPR-I-INIT Operator init done Initialization commissioning interface terminated  
-PLC-E-GETEND Error reading line area from PLC, … Error in system bus communication *2)
-PLC-E-GETEND Error reading rx area from PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-E-GETEND Error reading tx area from PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-E-GETREQ Error reading com group from PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-E-GETREQ Error reading line area from PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-E-GETREQ Error reading rx area from PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-E-GETREQ Error reading tx area from PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-E-SETEND Error writing control block to PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-E-SETEND Error writing rx area to PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-E-SETEND Error writing tx area to PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-E-SETREQ Error writing control block to PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-E-SETREQ Error writing rx area to PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-E-SETREQ Error writing tx area to PLC, … Error in system bus communication  
-PLC-W-GETEND Timeout while reading com group from PLC, abort: … Timeout during system bus communication, error during abort: … *2)
-PLC-W-GETEND Timeout while reading line area from PLC, abort: … Timeout during system bus communication, error during abort: …  
-PLC-W-GETEND Timeout while reading rx area from PLC, abort: … Timeout during system bus communication, error during abort: …  
-PLC-W-GETEND Timeout while reading tx area from PLC, abort: … Timeout during system bus communication, error during abort: …  
-PLC-W-SETEND Timeout while writing control block to PLC, abort: … Timeout during system bus communication, error during abort: …  
-PLC-W-SETEND Timeout while writing rx area to PLC, abort: … Timeout during system bus communication, error during abort: …  
-PLC-W-SETEND Timeout while writing tx area to PLC, abort: … Timeout during system bus communication, error during abort: …  
-RCS-I-SET RCSW Set to … RCOM status word set to …  
-RDS-E-CPUTO Service timeout, no CPU reaction PLC not responding to read job (RCOM_READ_SLV connection element missing)  
-RDS-I-CPUACC Service accepted by CPU Service read data set accepted by CPU  
-RDS-W-CPUREJ Service rejected by CPU, … Service read data set rejected by CPU (EN with RCOM_READ_SLV = FALSE)  
-RPL-E-REPLY Internal error: … Internal error …. when setting up response *7)
-RPL-E-REPLY Reply error: … Error in response telegram *5),*6)
-RPL-I-LEN … data bytes in reply … data bytes in response  
-RPL-I-REPLY Response: …  
-RPL-I-REPLY …, result … Error … in response *6)
-SCL-I-TIME Date: %ld, time %ld New RCOM time … arrived  
-SLV-E-ADDR Error reading telegram (address), … It was not possible to read the address from the job *6)
-SLV-E-BREAK Error checking for break It was not possible to check BREAK *3)
-SLV-E-DATA Error reading telegram (data), … It was not possible to read data from the job *6)
-SLV-E-HEADR Error reading telegram (header), … It was not possible to read the header from the job *6)
-SLV-E-LCODE Illegal length-code in telegram Incorrect length code in job *6)
-SLV-E-POSTA Error reading telegram (checksum/postambles), … Incorrect checksum/trailer in job *6)
-SLV-E-PREA Error reading telegram (preambles), … It was not possible to read the preamble (leader) from the job *6)
-SLV-E-RES Command not reset by CPU Command was not cancelled by CPU *7)
-SLV-E-SEND Error sending reply, … It was not possible to send response *3)
-SLV-E-SUM Checksum error Checksum error *6)
-SLV-I-ADR Not my address (…) Job not for me but for slave …  
-SLV-I-NOREP No reply sent (broadcast request) No response transmitted (broadcast job)  
-SLV-I-RESULT …, result … Service terminated; result …  
-SLV-I-SERV Service detected  
-SLV-W-MODE Event queue blocked Event queue barred (normalization missing) *1)
-SLV-W-MODE Slave mode program Data transmission barred (normalization missing) *1)
-SLV-W-NOSRV No services within hang-up time No jobs arrived within the hang-up time, no hanging up  
-TEL-E-SERV Internal error: … Internal error *8)
-TEL-I-LEN … data bytes in request … data bytes in job  
-TEL-I-SERV Service … detected  
-TEL-I-SERV … Ds: …, Len: … Service … detected; data set …; length …  
-WDS-E-CPUTO Service timeout, no CPU reaction PLC not responding to write job (RCOM_REC connection element missing)  
-WDS-I-CPUACC Service accepted by CPU Service Write data set accepted by CPU  
-WDS-W-CPUREJ Service rejected by CPU, … Service Write data set rejected by CPU (EN with RCOM_REC = FALSE)  


*1) A planning error has probably occurred. Check whether all required connection elements are present and whether the correct parameters have been assigned to them.

*2) Error during system bus communication. Leads to fatal errors, if not remedied automatically. May be triggered by PS501, e.g. when transmitting programs.

*3) There is probably a fault in the cable. Check the wiring of RTS and CTS.

*4) The following causes are possible:

  • Reinitialization was performed by the CPU module (RCOM_INIT connection element started)
  • RUN/STOP switch was set to STOP
  • A fatal error occurred

*5) There is probably an error in modem control. Check the module “dial-up modem” in your PLC configuration and its sub modules for errors concerning the setup or the phone book.

*6) A transmission error occurred. Check all RCOM parameters and timeout times in the PLC configuration.

*7) This occurs if the CPU is set to STOP.

*8) Internal error. Attempt to reset the unit and reinitialize it.