Technical Data

The System Data of AC500 and S500 System Data AC500 are valid for standard version.

The System Data of AC500-XC System Data AC500-XC are valid for the XC version.

Only additional details are therefore documented below.

Network interface connector 2 RJ45, 8-pole
Number of bus system connectors 3 (the type of bus system is depending on the PROFINET:sup:® IO Bus Module)
Rated voltage 24 V DC
Max. permitted total current 10 A via the supply terminals (UP and ZP)
Earthing Direct connection to the earthed DIN rail or via the screws with wall mounting
Spring terminals  
Type Front terminal, conductor connection vertically with respect to the printed circuit board
For details See Connection System Connection System
Width x height x depth 67.5 x 135 x 30 mm
Weight 200 g
Mounting position Horizontal or vertical