
The SendClockFactor multiplied with a basic time of 31.25 µs defines the cyclic basic clock rate of the whole PROFINET® system, i.e. the smallest cycle time for the exchange of process data. The typical value for the SendClockFactor is 32, that means the basic bus cycle is 1 ms. For 100 MBit/s it is recommended that the SendClockFactor is between 5 an 128.

Examples for the SendClockFactor:
SendClockFactor PROFINET® basic cycle time Annotation
5 156 µs Fastest theoretical value for the basic cycle time at 100 MBit/s
32 1 ms Fastest basic cycle time for the PROFINET® IO Controllers
128 4 ms Slowest theoretical value for the basic cycle time at 100 MBit/s


The possible values for SendClockFactor and ReductionRatio (the product of both is the cycle time) of a CI506-PNIO Device are dependent on the connected CANopen Slaves (number of PDOs. The dependency is shown in the following table.

PROFINET® Cycle Time Maximum number of CANopen PDOs *)
1 ms 8
2 ms 32
4 ms 128
16 ms 244

*) Remarks:

  • 50 % RPDO, 50 % TPDO
  • 8 byte process data for each PDO
  • CANopen cycle time min. 4 ms or about 80 % CAN bus load (e.g. 20 ms for 128 PDOs)