
Structure of the Diagnosis Block via PNIO_DEV_ALARM Function Block PNIO_DEV_ALARM

Byte Number Description Possible Values
1 Diagnosis Byte, slot number

31 = CI504-PNIO (e. g. error at integrated Serial Interface)

1 = 1st connected S500 I/O Module

10 = 10th connected S500 I/O Module

2 Diagnosis Byte, module number According to the I/O Bus specification passed on by modules to the fieldbus master
3 Diagnosis Byte, channel According to the I/O Bus specification passed on by modules to the fieldbus master
4 Diagnosis Byte, error code

According to the I/O Bus specification

Bit 7 and bit 6, coded error class

0 = E1

1 = E2

2 = E3

3 = E4

Bit 0 to Bit 5, coded error description

5 Diagnosis Byte, flags

According to the I/O-Bus specification

Bit 7: 1 = coming error

Bit 6: 1 = leaving error

E1..E4 d1 d2 d3 d4



AC500 display <− Display in
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Byte 4

Bit 6..7

- Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3

Byte 4

Bit 0..5

PNIO diagnosis block
Class Interface Device Module Channel Error identifier Error message Remedy
  *1) *2) *3)        
Module error
3 - 31 31 31 43 Internal error in the module Replace Module
3 - 31 31 31 9 Overflow diagnosis buffer New start
3 - 31 31 31 26 Parameter error Check master
3 - 31 31 31 11 Process voltage too low Check process voltage
3 - 31 31 31 45 Process voltage gone Check process voltage
3 - 1..10 31 31 17 No communication with I/O Module Replace I/O Module
4 - 1..10 31 31 31 At least 1 I/O Module does not support failsafe mode Check I/O Modules and parameterization
4 - 1..10 31 31 32 Wrong I/O Module type on socket

Replace I/O Module

Check Configuration

4 - 1..10 31 31 34 No response during initialization of the I/O Module Replace I/O Module
Serial Channel error
4 - 31 31 1..3 12 Reception SW FIFO overrun Check modules and parameterization
4 - 31 31 1..3 26 Parameter error Check modules and parameterization


* 1)

In AC500 the following interface identifier applies:

“-” = Diagnosis via bus-specific Function Blocks; 0 … 4 or 10 = Position of the Communication Module;14 = I/O-Bus; 31 = Module itself

The identifier is not contained in the CI504-PNIO diagnosis block.

* 2) With “Device” the following allocation applies: 31 = Module itself
* 3)

With “Module” the following allocation applies dependent of the master:

31 = Module itself or 1…10 expansion module