The Communication Module is available in two versions:
- As freely programmable Communication Module for programming with CODESYS
- As Communication Module with firmly installed protocol, e.g. RCOM/RCOM+
In this documentation, the version “freely programmable Communication Module” is described.
The capabilities of the Communication Module CM574-RS corresponds to Processor Module PM571 CM574-RS - Serial Communication Module for AC500.
The Communication Module can be plugged into any slot for external Communication Modules on a AC500 Terminal Base. Up to four CM574-RS modules can be used in one AC500 system.
Programming can be done either directly via a serial cable between PC and serial interface of the Communication Module, or routed via the AC500 CPU using the serial interface or Ethernet or ARCNET.
Communication with the AC500 CPU:
- Cyclic data exchange via inputs/outputs
- Acyclic data exchange via messages with FBs from the user program
- Direct reception or sending of characters from the user program of the CPU (from V2.x)
For data storage, 2 segments of 64 kB each are available in the Flash memory.