CM572-DP PROFIBUS DP Communication Module FDL Bus ParametersΒΆ

Parameter Description
Highest station address HSA HSA Highest Station address
Bus address of this Master station TS TS (This station) own bus address
Transmission rate Transmission rate:
0 = 9600
1 = 19200
2 = 93,75
3 = 187,5
4 = 500 k
6 = 1.5 M
7 = 3 M
8 = 6 M
9 = 12 M
10= 31,25 M
11= 45,45 M
Maximum request retry in error case Number of retries for bus errors
Slot time (BIT) TSL TSL Slot Time
Transmitter fall time (BIT) TQUI TQUI Transmitter Fall Time
Setup time (BIT) TSET TSET Setup Time
Smallest station delay (BIT) MIN- TSDR MIN TSDR minimum station delay
Largest station delay (BIT) MAX- TSDR MAX TSDR maximum station delay
Target rotation time (BIT) TTR TTR Target Rotation Time
GAP update factor G G GAP Update Factor