Highest station address HSA |
HSA Highest Station address |
Bus address of this Master station TS |
TS (This station) own bus address |
Transmission rate |
Transmission rate: |
0 = 9600 |
1 = 19200 |
2 = 93,75 |
3 = 187,5 |
4 = 500 k |
6 = 1.5 M |
7 = 3 M |
8 = 6 M |
9 = 12 M |
10= 31,25 M |
11= 45,45 M |
Maximum request retry in error case |
Number of retries for bus errors |
Slot time (BIT) TSL |
TSL Slot Time |
Transmitter fall time (BIT) TQUI |
TQUI Transmitter Fall Time |
Setup time (BIT) TSET |
TSET Setup Time |
Smallest station delay (BIT) MIN- TSDR |
MIN TSDR minimum station delay |
Largest station delay (BIT) MAX- TSDR |
MAX TSDR maximum station delay |
Target rotation time (BIT) TTR |
TTR Target Rotation Time |
GAP update factor G |
G GAP Update Factor |