Remark 3: Check of DIN identifier on receipt

If the parameter “Evaluate DIN on receipt” is enabled (default setting), the following DIN identifiers are reserved:

DIN identifier Protocol
Hex Dec
4F 79 “Online access” - Programming/OPC with CoDeSys / AC1131
5F 95 5F_ARCNET (Modbus functions for ARCNET)
6F 111 PC331 programming (not used for AC1131/CoDeSys)
7F 127

Default DIN identifier for data exchange with function blocks:


All DIN identifiers except the reserved identifiers can be used for data exchange.


If the parameter “Evaluate DIN on receipt” is disabled, programming and/or OPC via ARCNET is not possible!

Protocol “ARCNET data exchange” and “5F_ARC”

The protocols “ARCNET data exchange” and “5F_ARC” can be appended.

Right-click PM5x1_ARC_Internal_ARCNET node and select Add object.

The following parameters can be set for the “ARCNET data exchange” protocol:

Parameter Default value Value Meaning
Size of receive buffer 8192 512…65535 Receive buffer size in bytes. The minimum size is equal to the maximum size of an UDP telegram.
Size of transmit buffer high prio 4096 0…65535 Size of transmit buffer (in bytes) for telegrams with high priority.
Size of transmit buffer low prio 4096 0…65535 Size of transmit buffer (in bytes) for telegrams with low priority.
Size of timeout buffer 2048 0…65535 Size of buffer (in bytes) for timeout data packages.
Number of header data 10 0…1464 Number of header data to be copied to the timeout buffer for timeout packages (in bytes).
Receive broadcast Disable Disable Reception of broadcast telegrams disabled (data packages to all stations).
Enable Reception of broadcast telegrams enabled (data packages to all stations).
Behavior on receive buffer overflow Overwrite Overwrite Behavior on overflow of the receive buffer. The oldest data packages stored in the receive buffer are overwritten with the new incoming data packages.
Reject Behavior on overflow of the receive buffer. New incoming data are dismissed.

The following parameters can be set for the “5F_ARC” protocol:

Parameter Default value Value Meaning
Disable write to %MB0.x from 0 0…65535 Disable write access for segment 0 starting at %MB0.x
Disable write to %MB0.x to 0 0…65535 Disable write access for segment 0 up to %MB0.x
Disable read %MB0.x from 0 0…65535 Disable read access for segment 0 starting at %MB0.x
Disable read %MB0.x to 0 0…65535 Disable read access for segment 0 up to %MB0.x
Disable write to %MB1.x from 0 0…65535 Disable write access for segment 1 starting at %MB1.x
Disable write to %MB1.x to 0 0…65535 Disable write access for segment 1 up to %MB1.x
Disable read %MB1.x from 0 0…65535 Disable read access for segment 1 starting at %MB1.x
Disable read %MB1.x to 0 0…65535 Disable read access for segment 1 up to %MB1.x


For Processor Module PM571, 4kB = %MB0.0 .. %MB0.4095 (i.e., not a complete segment) are available for the addressable flag area. Thus, not all Modbus addresses can be accessed.