Project Information Dialog

The Project Information dialog shows information data of the currently opened project like user information data or file statistics.

To access the dialog, select Project -> Project Information…:


-> The default tab Summary is shown.


The following information and parameters are available:

Tab Parameter Description
  Automatically generate POUs for property access Not supported
Summary Company Company name
Title Title of the project
Version Current version of the project
Released Indicating a released version of a project
Library Categories Not supported
Default Namespace Not supported
Author Author’s name
Description Brief description of the project
File Name File name of the project
Location Path of the project file
Size File size of the project in [kB] and [bytes]
MS-DOS name Path of the project in 8.3 (MS-DOS) format
Created Timestamp of creation of the project file
Changed Timestamp of last change of project file
Last access Timestamp of last access of project file
Attributes Attribute information of the project file, including attributes Read-Only, Hidden, Archive and System
Last saved with Version of Automation Builder used when saving the project file
Properties Key Not supported
Type Not supported
Value Not supported
Add Not supported
Modify Not supported
Remove Not supported
Properties Not supported
Statistics Number of objects Showing s a statistical summary of all objects currently used in the project like devices or PLC nodes.


The project information does not share the data with the different CODESYS 2.3.x projects. It contains a summary of all PLCs.