Configuration of the CM574-RS in the AC500 CPU Project

Double-click on CM574_RS (CM574-RS) to open the CM574-RS Configuration in the editor window:


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default value Value Meaning
Run config fault No No The user program is not started in case of a configuration error.
Yes The user program is started independent of a faulty configuration of the CM574.
Max. wait run 3000 0…120000 Max wait time for valid inputs.
Min. update time 10 10…2000 Minimum update time of the in- and outputs in [ms].
Enable debug On Off The user program of the CPU only runs if the Communication Module  is in RUN mode. The user program of the Communication Module only runs when the CPU is in RUN mode. Debug commands on the Communication Module are not permitted.
On The user program of the CPU runs independent of the Communication Module status, i.e., all debug commands are permitted on the Communication Module.
Watchdog 400 400..60000 Watchdog in [ms]

Basically 2 different modes can be configured at the sub modules of the CM574-RS Communication Module. Either cyclic data exchange (default setting) or remotely controlled COM port usage is available.