Structure of CI590-CS31-HA Diagnostic Block

If a CI590-CS31-HA module is connected via a CS31 Bus, then the field bus master receives diagnostic information by an extended diagnostic block. The following table specifies the structure of this information. In case of an error the user can get this information by the Diagnosis System, see Diagnostics.

Byte Number Description Possible values
1 Data length (header included) 18
2 Diagnostic byte

0 = Communication with CI590-CS31-HA OK

1 = Communication with CI590-CS31-HA failed

3 CI590-CS31-HA diagnostic byte, module number

0 = CI590-CS31-HA (e.g. error at the integrated 16 DC)

1 = 1st attached S500 I/O module

2 = 2nd attached S500 I/O module

7 = 7th attached S500 I/O module

4 CI590-CS31-HA diagnostic byte, slot

According to the I/O Bus specification

passed on by modules to the fieldbus master

5 CI590-CS31-HA diagnostic byte, channel

According to the I/O Bus specification

passed on by modules to the fieldbus master

6 CI590-CS31-HA diagnostic byte, error code

According to the I/O Bus specification

Bit 7 and bit 6, coded error class

0 = E1

1 = E2

2 = E3

3 = E4

Bit 0 to bit 5, coded error description

passed on by modules to the fieldbus master

7 CI590-CS31-HA diagnostic byte, flags

According to the I/O Bus specification

bit 7: 1 = coming error

bit 6: 1 = leaving error

bit 5: 1 = diag reset

bit 2 to bit 4: reserved

bit 1: 1 = explicit acknowledgement

bit 0: 1 = static error

passed on by modules to the fieldbus master

Value = 0: static message for other systems,

which do not have a coming/leaving evaluation

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