LED Status Display

The LEDs are located at the front of module. There are 2 different groups:

  • The 5 system LEDs (PWR, NET, DC, S-ERR and I/O-Bus) show the operation status of the module and display possible errors.
  • The 29 process LEDs (UP, UP3, inputs, outputs, CH-ERR1 to CH-ERR3) show the process supply voltage and the statuses of the inputs and outputs and display possible errors.
Status of the 5 System-LEDs:
LED Color off on flashing 1x flash 2x flash
PWR/RUN green Error in the internal supply voltage or process voltage missing Internal supply voltage OK Module is not configured
NET green Init operational pre-operational safe-operational
red No Error PDI Watchdog Timeout Invalid Configuration Unsolicited State Change Application time out
DC *) green Distributed Clock not active Distributed Clock active
S-ERR red No error Internal error
I/O-Bus green No expansion modules connected or communication error
ETH1 green No EtherCATâ connection

Link OK

No data transfer

Link OK

Data transfer OK

ETH2 green No EtherCATâ connection

Link OK

No data transfer

Link OK

Data transfer OK


*) The status of this LED is only significant if the camswitch functionality is enabled

Status of the 29 process LEDs:
LED Color OFF ON Flashing
DC0 to DC7 yellow Input/Output is OFF Input/Output is ON
DI8 to DI15 yellow Input is OFF Input is ON (the input voltage is even displayed if the supply voltage is OFF)
DO8 to DO15 yellow Output is OFF Output is ON
UP green Process supply voltage missing Process supply voltage OK and initialization finished
UP3 green Process supply voltage missing Process supply voltage OK
CH-ERR1 to CH-ERR3 red No error or process supply voltage missing Internal error Error on one channel of the corresponding group