Installing Customer Specific Package

Installation manager allows you to install customer specific software packages (CABPKG files). These packages are separately distributed to the customer based on the customer requirement.

  1. In the installation manager, click Install Package.

  2. Select the package to be installed (.cabpkg file) from the file system.

  3. Select the components to be installed.

  4. Click Install.

    Data installation starts.

  5. Successfully installed components are indicated with 5914d244374d92240a3313900158c29d_ffb3e37482be147a0a33139000c43040 .

    Errors during data download are indicated with 5914d244374d92240a3313900158c29d_5a09614182be123e0a33139000500b2c . Errors during download of any package component aborts the installation. In this case click Show Log and save the log data. Send the log file to ABB support team.

    Click Finish to end the wizard.