Configuring the Onboard I/O for CPU PM55x

AC500 CPU PM55x has 8 digital onboard inputs and 6 digital onboard outputs. The inputs and outputs channels can be provided as WORD, BYTE and BOOL.

The 8DI+6DO onboard I/Os support the following channel functions:

Onboard I/O Type Channel Function Max. Number Channel Name
Digital onboard I/O Digital Input 8 Channel 0..7
Fast counter 2 Channel 0, 1
Interrupt input 4 Channel 0..3
Digital output 6 Channel 0..5
PWM output 2 Channel 2..3

The following channel parameters for onboard I/Os can be configured for CPU PM55x:

Onboard I/O Type Parameter Channel Name Default Value Value Meaning
Digital inputs Input delay digital input Channel 0..7 8 ms 0.1 ms Configure 0.1 ms input delay
1 ms Configure 1 ms input delay
8 ms Configure 8 ms input delay
32 ms Configure 32 ms input delay
Channel configuration Channel 0..7 Input Input Configure the channel as normal digital input
Channel 0..3 Interrupt on rising edge Trigger interrupt task when detecting the rising edge on the input channel
Interrupt on falling edge Trigger interrupt task when detecting the falling edge on the input channel
Channel 0 Fast counter * Configure the channel as fast counter
Fast counter mode * Channel 0, 1 No counter 0 No counter
1 1 Up counter
2 1 Up counter with release input
3 2 UpDown counters
4 2 UpDown counters (2nd on falling edge)
5 1 UpDown counter dynamic set/rising edge
6 1 UpDown counter dynamic set/falling edge
7 1 UpDown counter directional discriminator
8 Reserved
9 1 UpDown directional discriminator x2
10 1 UpDown directional discriminator x4
Digital outputs Channel configuration Channel 2, 3 Output Output Configure the channel as normal digital output
PWM Configure the channel as PWM output
PWM time base   Millisec Millisec Configure ms as PMW time base
  Microsec Configure µs as PMW time base

* For detailed information on fast counter, refer to the section Counting Modes of the Fast Counters. The Fast Counters in the AC500.