Examples of Impossible ConfigurationsΒΆ

Due to the peculiarities concerning the CS31 bus and the DC551-CS31 described at the beginning of this chapter, some configurations cannot be realized. Here are some examples:

Example 1: DC551-CS31 + 6 x DC532

Device I/O range Digital area Analog area Parameter
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
Byte Byte Words Words Byte
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC 3 2 0 0 15
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
Total 120 DI + 128 DC 31 16 0 0 78

This configuration is not possible because the DC551 can manage a maximum of 30 bytes in the digital area (= 120 inputs/outputs).

Example 2: DC551-CS31 + 6 (or more) AX522

Device I/O range Digital area Analog area Parameter
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
Byte Byte Words Words Byte
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC 3 2 0 0 15
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40
Total 8 DI + 16 DC + 48 AI + 48 AO 3 2 48 48 255

This configuration is not possible because the DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 40 words in the analog area. For 7 AX522, the number of analog channels increases accordingly.

Example 3: DC551-CS31 + 3 (or more) AO523

Device I/O range Digital area Analog area Parameter
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
Byte Byte Words Words Byte
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC 3 2 0 0 15
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42
Total 8 DI + 16 DC + 48 AO 3 2 0 48 141

This configuration is not possible because the DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 40 words in the analog area. For each further AO523, the number of analog channels increases accordingly.

Example 4: DC551-CS31 + 3 (or more) AI523

Device I/O range Digital area Analog area Parameter
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
Byte Byte Words Words Byte
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC 3 2 0 0 15
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37
Total 8 DI + 16 DC + 48 AI 3 2 48 0 126

This configuration is not possible because the DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 40 words in the analog area. For each further AI523, the number of analog channels increases accordingly.

Example 5: DC551-CS31 with FC + 3 (or more) AO523

Device I/O range Digital area Analog area Parameter
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
Byte Byte Words Words Byte
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC + FC 5 4 4 8 16
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42
Total 8 DI + 16 DC + FC + 48 AO 5 4 4 56 142

This configuration is not possible because the DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 40 words in the analog area. For each further AO523, the number of analog channels increases accordingly.

Example 6: DC551-CS31 with FC + 3 (or more) AI523

Device I/O range Digital area Analog area Parameter
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
Byte Byte Words Words Byte
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC + FC 5 4 4 8 16
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37
Total 8 DI + 16 DC + FC + 48 AI 5 4 52 8 127

This configuration is not possible because the DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 40 words in the analog area. For each further AI523, the number of analog channels increases accordingly.