The Setting ‘COMx - Modbus’


At AC500-eCo CPUs PM55x and PM56x, the parameter Parity cannot be configures as Mark and/or Space.

For the protocol setting ‘MODBUS’, the following window is displayed:


The following settings are possible:

Parameter Default value Value Meaning
Enable login Disabled Disabled There is no check with regard to the Control Builder login telegram.

Telegrams received are checked with regard to the Control Builder login sequence. If the sequence is detected, the protocol setting is changed to ‘Online access’.

-> available as of firmware V1.2.0

RTS control None None No RTS control (not for PM55x and PM56x CPUs)

RTS control for telegram activated

-> available as of firmware V1.2.0

TLS 0 0…65535

Carrier lead time in [ms] or characters (TLS > CDLY)

-> available as of firmware V1.2.0

CDLY 0 0…65535

Carrier delay time in [ms] or characters (CDLY <= TLS)

-> available as of firmware V1.2.0

Telegram ending value 3 0…65535 Number of characters for character timeout
Handshake None None No flow control

Hardware handshake

-> available as of firmware V1.2.0


Software handshake

-> Not yet implemented

Baudrate 19200












Character length in bits/s
Parity Even None No parity
Odd Odd parity
Even Even parity
Mark Parity bit := TRUE
Space Parity bit := FALSE
Data bits 8 5, 6, 7, 8 Number of data bits, 5 to 8
Stop bits 1 1, 2 Number of stop bits, 1 or 2
Operation mode None None None
Master Master
Slave Slave
Address 0 0…255 Address for Modbus slave
Disable write to %MB0.x from 0 0…65535 Disable write access for segment 0 starting at %MB0.x
Disable write to %MB0.x to 0 0…65535 Disable write access for segment 0 up to %MB0.x
Disable read to %MB0.x from 0 0…65535 Disable read access for segment 0 starting at %MB0.x
Disable read to %MB0.x to 0 0…65535 Disable read access for segment 0 up to %MB0.x
Disable write to %MB1.x from 0 0…65535 Disable write access for segment 1 starting at %MB1.x
Disable write to %MB1.x to 0 0…65535 Disable write access for segment 1 up to %MB1.x
Disable read to %MB1.x from 0 0…65535 Disable read access for segment 1 starting at %MB1.x
Disable read to %MB1.x to 0 0…65535 Disable read access for segment 1 up to %MB1.x

The selection “COMx - MODBUS” sets the serial interface x to the Modbus protocol Communication \ with Modbus® RTU and Modbus® TCP/IP.

For Modbus slave operation, an area without read and/or write access can be set in the segments %M0.x and %M1.x. Reading/writing is disabled beginning at the set address and is valid up to the set end address (inclusive).


The parameter “Data bits” always has to be set to 8 for Modbus.