CPU Parameters in Version PS501 V1.2

The CPU parameters have been revised and expanded for PS501 version V1.2:


The following parameters can be set:

Parameter Default value Value Meaning

Auto run /

Start of user program when voltage ON see remark 1

On On If the Flash memory contains a valid project, the project will be loaded into the RAM memory and executed when switching on the controller.
Off If the Flash memory contains a valid project, this project will be loaded into the RAM memory but not executed when switching on the controller.
Error LED see remark 2 On On The error LED lights up for errors of all classes, no failsafe function activated.
Off_by_E4 Warnings (E4) are not indicated by the error LED, no failsafe function activated.
Off_by_E3 Warnings (E4) and light errors (E3) are not indicated by the error LED, no failsafe function activated.
On+failsafe The error LED lights up for errors of all classes and the failsafe function of the I/O bus is activated.
Off_by_E4 +failsafe Warnings (E4) are not indicated by the error LED, the failsafe function of the I/O bus is activated.
Off_by_E3 +failsafe Warnings (E4) and light errors (E3) are not indicated by the error LED, the failsafe function of the I/O bus is activated.
Check Battery On On The availability of the battery and the battery status are checked. If no battery is available or the battery is empty, a warning (E4) is generated and the LED ERR lights up.
Off The battery is not checked. No warning (E4) is generated. This also applies if a battery is installed but empty!
Behaviour of outputs in stop see remark 3 Off in hardware and online Off in hardware and online In case of STOP, all outputs at the hardware and in the online display are set to FALSE or 0.
Off in hardware and actual state online In case of STOP, all outputs at the hardware are set to FALSE or 0. The online display indicates the status from the last cycle of the user program.
Actual state in hardware and online The status of the last cycle of the user program is kept for the outputs at the hardware and in the online display.
Reaction on floating point exceptions see remark 4 E2 failure E2 failure

If a floating point exception occurs, an E2 error (Err=38) is triggered. The CPU goes to STOP.

Warning: PM59x only!

No failure

If a floating point exception occurs, no E2 error is triggered. Using the block FPU_EXINFO in the user program allows to react on a possibly occurred exception.

Warning: PM59x only!

Stop on error class

see remark 5

E2 No effect In case of a fatal or serious error (E1-E2), the user program is stopped.
E1 In case of a fatal or serious error (E1-E2), the user program is stopped.
E2 In case of a fatal or serious error (E1-E2), the user program is stopped.
E3 In case of a fatal, serious or light error (E1-E3), the user program is stopped.
E4 In case of a fatal, serious or light error (E1-E3) or a warning (E4), the user program is stopped.
Warmstart see remark 6 Off Off In case of a fatal error (E2), no warmstart is performed.
On after E2 error In case of a fatal error (E2), a warmstart is performed automatically.
On after short voltage dip A warmstart is performed after a short voltage dip.
On after E2 or short voltage dip In case of a fatal error (E2) or after a short voltage dip, a warmstart is performed automatically.
Start PERSISTENT %R0.x see remark 7 0 0..65535 Start offset for buffered area in PERSISTENT area %R0.x
End PERSISTENT %R0.x 0 0…65535 End offset for buffered area in PERSISTENT area %R0.x
.. .. ..
Start PERSISTENT %R7.x 0 0…65535 Start offset for buffered area in PERSISTENT area %R7.x
End PERSISTENT %R7.x 0 0…65535 End offset for buffered area in PERSISTENT area %R7.x