Configuration of the EtherCAT® Master

Double-click on CM579_Master (CM579-Master) to open the Master configuration dialog in the editor window:


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default Value Meaning


(Remark 1 Configuration of the EtherCAT® Master)

Autoconfig Master/Slaves

Remark 2 Configuration of the EtherCAT® Master:

Enabled Disabled The automatic configuration is disabled. Autoconfig
Enabled The configuration parameters are set automatically based on the given device description and network topology. Normally the parameters do not have to be modified for standard applications.
Ethercat NIC Setting
Destination Address (MAC) FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF Valid MAC address Parameter Destination Address (MAC) determines the MAC address of the participant of the EtherCAT® network which should receive the telegrams. If option Broadcast is activated, no specific address must be entered. DestAddress1 and DestAddress 2
Source Address (MAC) 00-00-00-00-00-00 Valid MAC address Parameter Source Address (MAC) determines the MAC address of the system. SrcAddress1 and SrcAddress2
Network Name empty String Parameter Network Name determines the network name of the system. NetworkName
    Select network by MAC If this option is selected, the network is selected by the MAC address determined by parameter Source Address (MAC). SelectNetworkByName = FALSE
Select network by Name If this option is selected, the network is selected by the network name determined by parameter Network Name. SelectNetworkByName = TRUE
Broadcast Enabled Disabled The destination address is not the broadcast address. The parameter Destination Address (MAC) must be edited. -
Enabled The destination address is set to broadcast address FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF. The parameter Destination Address (MAC) can not be edited.
Distributed Clock
Cycle time 4000 0…10000 Period of time in [µs] after which a new data telegram is to be sent on the bus. If the Distributed Clock functionality is activated, the master cycle time will be transferred to the slave clocks. Thus an accurate synchronization of data exchange can be reached, which is particularly important in cases where spatially distributed processes require simultaneous actions (e.g. in applications where several servo axes carry out coordinated movements simultaneously). So a very precise network-wide timebase with a jitter of significantly less then 1 microsecond can be achieved. MasterCycleTime
Use LRW instead of LWR/LRD Disabled Disabled Slave-to-slave communication is not allowed. MasterUseLRW
Enabled Slave-to-slave communication is allowed.
Enable messages per task Disabled Disabled This parameter is currently not supported. EnableTaskMessage
Auto restart slaves Disabled Disabled This parameter is currently not supported.  
Master Setting (only available if AutoconfigMaster/Slaves option is disabled)
Image In Address 16#10880 16#00000000… 16#FFFFFFFF Parameter Image In Address determines the first logical address of the first slave for input data. ImageInAddress and ImageInLength
Image Out Address 16#10000 16#00000000… 16#FFFFFFFF Parameter Image Out Address determines the first logical address of the first slave for output data. ImageOutAddress and ImageOutLength

Remark 1: Tab CM579-Master Configuration

The parameters in this column are shown in tab EtherCAT® Configuration which is only visible if the parameter Show generic device configuration views is activated (open the Options dialog window with menu item Tools -> Options, parameter is located under section Device editor):


The table shows all configuration parameters.

Remark 2: Autoconfig

The autoconfig mode is activated by default and usually sufficient and strongly recommended for standard applications. If the option is deactivated, all configuration settings for the Master and the Slave(s) will have to be done manually and expert knowledge is required. For the configuration of a slave-to-slave communication the autoconfig option has to be deactivated.