Options Dialog¶

The Options dialog can be used to configure the basic behaviour of Automation Builder.

To access the dialog, select Tools -> Options…:


-> The Options dialog appears. It contains various sections with different parameters.


The following information and parameters are available:

Section Parameter Description
Device editor Show generic device configuration views If this parameter is enabled, the generic device configuration views are shown additionally in the editor windows of the devices. The views show all available parameters and the corresponding value ranges and default values.
Features Object types Not supported
IEC 61131-3 language Not supported
Device management Not supported
Enable simplified device handling Not supported
Enable repository dialog Enabling access to the device repository dialog.
Predefined feature sets Opening a dialog window which allows switching between standard and professional feature sets. The standard feature set does not provide the Device Repository dialog.
International settings User interface language

The language settings can either be obtained from the current Microsoft Windows settings or specified via the combo box (Specific culture must be selected).

Automation Builder should be restarted to take effect of the changes.

Online help language Online help language is always set to the currently selected user interface language.
Load and Save Create backup files Not supported
  Automatically save every X minutes The currently opened ProjectName.project file will be automatically saved to a temporary file with extension .autosave every X minutes. This temporary file is deleted at a normal exit from the Automation Builder. If Automation Builder is not normally closed and a project is opened, the temporary file will not be deleted. When the project file will be opened again, a message box appears which allows the user to open the automatically saved project or the original one.
  Allow editing of read-only file, warn when attempt to save Read-only project files can be opened and edited when enabling this parameter. A warning will be triggered when attempting to save the corresponding file.
  Display X items in most recently used list Setting  the number of entries shown in the recently used projects list.
  At startup Setting the action on startup of Automation Builder. It is possible to show the start page, load the last used project, show the Open Project dialog window, show the New Project dialog window or show an empty environment.
  News page Setting the URL of the news page accessible via the start page and is only available if the startup parameter is set to Show Start Page.
  Homepage Representing the website that is shown on the start page and is only available if the startup parameter is set to Show Start Page.
  Advanced settings Opening the Advanced Settings dialog where the compression method can be set that is used for the project files.
Source control   Not supported
Syntax highlighting   Not supported
Text editor   Not supported