Structure \ of the Diagnosis Block of the DC551-CS31

If a DC551-CS31 module is connected via a CS31 bus, then the field bus master receives diagnosis information by an extended diagnosis block. The following table shows the structure of this diagnosis block:



Description Possible values
1 Data length (header included) 18
2 Diagnosis byte

0 = Communication with DC551-CS31 OK

1 = Communication with DC551-CS31 failed

3 DC551-CS31 diagnosis byte, module number

0 = DC551 (e.g. error at the integrated 8DI/16DC)

1 = 1st attached S500 I/O module

7 = 7th attached S500 I/O module

4 DC551-CS31 diagnosis byte, slot

According to the I/O-Bus specification

passed on by modules to the fieldbus master

5 DC551-CS31 diagnosis byte, channel

According to the I/O-Bus specification

passed on by modules to the fieldbus master

6 DC551-CS31 diagnosis byte, error code

According to the I/O-Bus specification

Bit 7 and bit 6, coded error class

0 = E1

1 = E2

2 = E3

3 = E4

Bit 0 to Bit 5, coded error description

passed on by modules to the fieldbus master

7 DC551-CS31 diagnosis byte, flags

According to the I/O-Bus specification

Bit 7: 1 = coming error

Bit 6: 1 = leaving error

Bit 5: 1 = Diag reset

Bit 2 to Bit 4: reserved

Bit 1: 1 = explicit acknowledgement

Bit 0: 1 = static error

passed on by modules to the fieldbus master

Value = 0: static message for other systems, which do not have a coming/leaving evaluation

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