Case of DC551-CS31 with Fast Counter

An additional bus address is used  for “double word” values of the Fast Counter.

The maximum configuration is shown in the following table.


8DI + 16 DC

+ counter

16 AI 16 AI DC532 DC532 DC532 DC532 DC532

The following configuration uses 7 bus addresses (the Fast Counter needs 16 DI + 16 DO + 4 AI + 8 AO):

2 bus addresses for digital I/O (24 + 16 + 5x32)DI + (16 + 16 + 5x16)DO = 200 DI (>120) + 112 DO

5 bus addresses for analog I/O (4 + 2x16)AI + 8 AO = 36 AI + 8 AO


If a DC551 is configured as a Fast Counter module and ‘0 - no Counter’ in the Control Builder Plus is selected the channel ERR LEDs stays on and the module does not start up. The address was adjusted with ‘71’.

Only the‘0- no Counter’ mode does not operate. If any other counter is selected e.g. ‘1-1 Up counter’ the module starts up and can be utilized.