The Function Block DNM_RES_OBJ can be used to reset an instance of a class (object) in a slave.
Every time a FALSE->TRUE edge is applied to input EN, DNM_RES_OBJ reads the data at its inputs and sends a corresponding request message to the Communication Module. Further FALSE->TRUE edges at input EN are ignored until the processing of the active requests is completed. The completion of the request processing is indicated by DONE = TRUE.
The DeviceNet™ standard describes an abstract object model (see also System technology of the DeviceNet Communication Modules). There, different standard classes are defined which represent a kind of type definitions for the objects. In addition, further manufacturer-specific classes can be defined for a DeviceNet module. Objects are instances of the corresponding class. These objects can be reset using the Function Block DNM_RES_OBJ.
Some objects have to be available in every DeviceNet™ module by default. Normally, these standard objects are not accessed by the user program during running operation, even though this is possible in principle. Access is usually restricted to optional additional objects or their attributes.
These additional slave attributes can be displayed in SYCON.net by selecting Device configuration | Parameter data. This view displays a list of available attributes for the specific slave. Each entry contains the class ID (Class ID) and the instance number (Instance ID) of the object, the number (Attribute ID) and data type of the specific attribute, the valid access types (read/write) and an attribute description as well as the permitted limit values. This information can be used to reset the desired CLASS_ID and INST_ID when using a Function Block of the type DNM_RES_OBJ.
Parameter | Value |
Library_File_Name | DeviceNet_AC500_V11.lib |
Firmware | V1.1 |
Type | Type_Function_Block_History |
Group | Parameters |