Configuration of Non-ABB PROFIBUS® DP Slaves

A PROFIBUS DP slave can be added by right-clicking on Profibus_Master_x (Profibus_Master) and selecting “Add object…”.

-> The Add Device dialog appears where all available PROFIBUS® DP Slave Devices are listed.

If the desired device is not listed it can be installed via the Device Repository (via menu item Tools -> Device Repository).

The slave configuration parameters can be edited in tab Profibus® slave. To open this tab in the editor window, double-click the corresponding slave in the device tree:



All times for the PROFIBUS® parameters are given in bit time [tBit]. The bit time is the result of the reciprocal of the baudrate:

tBit = 1 / baudrate in [bit/s]

The conversion from milliseconds into a bit time is shown in following formula:

tBit = Time in [ms] * baudrate in [bit/s]

The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default Value Meaning


(Remark 1 Configuration of Non-ABB PROFIBUS® DP Slaves)


Remark 2 Configuration of Non-ABB PROFIBUS® DP Slaves

BUTTON - Opens the Group Properties dialog window Bitmask SlavePrmData -> group
Station address 1 0…126 Station address of the PROFIBUS® DP slave device. StationAddress
Ident number GSD file specific FALSE Station address of the PROFIBUS® DP slave device. SlavePrmData -> identNumber
T_SDR (tBit) 11 11…255 The parameter T_SDR (tBit) in [tBit] represents the minimum station delay of a responder (time a responder waits before generating the reply frame). SlavePrmData -> minTsdr
Max. TSDR 2 (Lock) 0 (T_SDR unlock) The TSDR and slave-specific parameter may be overwritten. Bit 6 = 0 and bit 7 = 0 of bitmask SlavePrmData -> stationStatus
1 (Will be unlocked) The slave is released to other masters. Bit 6 = 1 and bit 7 = 0 of bitmask SlavePrmData -> stationStatus
2 (Lock) The slave is locked to other masters, all parameters are accepted. Bit 6 = 0 and bit 7 = 1 of bitmask SlavePrmData -> stationStatus
3 (Unlock) The slave is released to other masters. Bit 6 = 1 and bit 7 = 1 of bitmask SlavePrmData -> stationStatus
Watchdog control Enabled Disabled The PROFIBUS® Slave does not utilize the Watchdog Control Time setting. SlavePrmData -> wdFact1
Enabled The PROFIBUS® slave utilizes the Watchdog Control Time setting in order to detect communication errors to the assigned Master. When the Slave finds an interruption of an already operational communication, defined by a Watchdog time, then the Slave carries out an independent Reset and places the outputs into the secure condition.
Time (ms) 400 0…2540

Watchdog time in [ms].

The default value depends on the number of slaves attached to the master and their configuration.

SlavePrmData -> wdFact2
User parameter
Symbolic values Enabled Disabled No symbolic names for the user parameters. -
Enabled The values for the parameters are shown with symbolic names. -
Length of user parameter (Byte) 3 Device-specific The length of the user parameters in [bytes]. By default this value is 3 due to the existing reserved values. -
Defaults - - The button restores the default values of the user parameters. -

Remark 1:

The parameters in this column are shown in tab PROFIBUS® Slave Configuration which is only visible if the parameter Show generic device configuration views is activated (open the Options dialog window with menu item Tools -> Options …, parameter is located under section Device editor):


The table shows all configuration parameters.

Remark 2:

The Group Properties dialog window can be opened by clicking on the button Groups …:


The relevant group(s) for the slave device can be selected by activating the corresponding item in the dialog window. The selection(s) can be confirmed with the OK button or cancelled with Cancel button. The Global Group Properties… button opens the dialog window Group Properties where the Sync mode- and Freeze mode-activation can be configured:


The device-specific user parameters can be edited and parameterized in the table of the editor window:
