Configuration Example: 32 Bit Forward Counter

All of the 8 channels of the DC541-CM can be used as count-up counter. In the configuration example, all 8 channels of the DC541-CM are configured as 32 bit forward counter (count-up). The channels C0…C3 operate as infinite counters (endless mode), the channels C4…C7 as limit counters (limit mode).

The 32 bit count-up counter configured as infinite counter (endless mode) corresponds to mode 1 (1 Up counter) of the high-speed counter of the digital input/output modules. In the configuration example, the counting pulses for the first forward counter are therefore applied in parallel to input C0 of the DC541-CM and counting input C24 of the DC532.

Hardware configuration

The example control system shall have the following configuration:

  • Terminal base TB521 (two Communication Module slots)
  • DC541-CM in Communication Module slot 1 (first slot on the left of the CPU)
  • PM591-ETH CPU with internal Ethernet Communication Module (configuration using
  • I/O module DC532 on the I/O bus


The channels are connected as follows:

  • DC532 / C16 ————– DC541 / C0
  • DC532 / C17 ————– DC541 / C1
  • DC532 / C18 ————– DC541 / C2
  • DC532 / C19 ————– DC541 / C3
  • DC532 / C20 ————– DC541 / C4
  • DC532 / C21 ————– DC541 / C5
  • DC532 / C22 ————– DC541 / C6
  • DC532 / C23 ————– DC541 / C7
  • DC532 / C16 ————– DC532 / C24

PLC configuration

  • DC541-CM in slot 1, operating mode “Counter mode”
  • Configuration: - Channel   C0..C7   Forward counter
  • Specification of the Ethernet Communication Module as internal Communication Module (if available)
  • DC532 on the I/O bus / parameter “Fast counter” = 1-1 Up counter

Task configuration

  • Task 1: Cyclic program / Prio = 10 / Interval = t#100ms / PLC_PRG
  • Task 2: Simulation / Prio = 15 / Interval = t#5ms / Simulation_Task

Purpose of the cyclic program PLC_PRG:

The cyclic program PLC_PRG contains the following functions:

  • Reading the cycle of PLC_PRG Calling of block TASK_INFO;
  • Reading the configuration of the DC541 Calling of block DC541_GET_CFG
  • Reading the status of the DC541 Calling of block DC541_STATE
  • Reading/writing the static channels of the DC541 Calling of block DC541_IO
  • Calling of the sequence control for the counters Calling of program proForwardCounter

The blocks DC541_GET_CFG, DC541_STATE and DC541_IO are contained in the library DC541_AC500_V11.lib and described in detail in the library documentation DC541_Library: DC541 Library

The block TASK_INFO is contained in the library SysInt_AC500_V1.0 SysInt_Library: Internal System Library Contents and described in detail in the corresponding documentation.

The actual execution of the 32 bit forward counter functionality is implemented in the program proForwardCounter.

Purpose of the program proForwardCounter:

The program proForwardCounter executes the following step chain:

Counter block DC541_FWD_CNT CNT_IO CNT_IO
Step | Channel C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 1
0 | Action

Init: SET = 0, endless counter,

limit values MIN = 300 / MAX = 1300

Init: SET = 0, limit counter,

limit values MIN = 300 / MAX = 1300

|   Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 | Action Reset of SET input
|   Value 0 0 0 0 300 300 300 300 0
2 | Action Start of pulse output - 2000 pulses
|   Value 0 0 0 0 300 300 300 300 0
3 | Action Wait until pulse output is completed
|   Value 2000 1000 500 250 1299 1300 800 550 2000
4 | Action Selection last step: byStep = 249
|   Value 2000 1000 500 250 1299 1300 800 550 2000
200 | Action Manual operation
|   Value xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
249 | Action Wait time 5 seconds, then restart from step 0
|   Value 2000 1000 500 250 1299 1300 800 550 2000

The block Simu_Pulse is used to generate an adjustable number of pulses. Its representation in the function block diagram (FBD) is as follows:

Instance   fbSimuPulse Instance name
Ben Input/Output BOOL Enabling of the pulse output
bReset Input/Output BOOL TRUE = Reset of the pulse counter, bDone = TRUE
bAutoReset Input/Output BOOL TRUE and cyclic mode - The time tResetTime is started when the number of pulses set with dwPulse is reached. After this time, the pulse output is restarted again.
tResetTime Input/Output TIME Wait time until restart, if bAutoReset = TRUE
dwPulse Input/Output DWORD

Number of pulses to be output:

= 0: Endless mode (pulse output continues until bEn = FALSE or bReset = TRUE)

> 0: Cyclic mode (output of the specified number of pulses)

Bdone Output BOOL Completion message after the number of pulses specified at dwPulse or after bReset if dwPulse = 0
bToggle_0 Output BOOL Output: Edge with each clock cycle
bToggle_1 Output BOOL Output: Edge with each 2. clock cycle
bToggle_2 Output BOOL Output: Edge with each 4. clock cycle
bToggle_3 Output BOOL Output: Edge with each 8. clock cycle
dwActNumPulse Output DWORD Number of pulses output
tActTime Output TIME Elapsed time in [ms] while tResetTime is running

In the example, the block Simu_Pulse is called in a 5 ms task. The pulse output is enabled or stopped via input bEn. If input dwPulse = 0, the output of pulses is performed continuously. If dwPulse > 0, only the specified number of pulses is output. When the specified number of pulses is reached, output bDone is set to TRUE.

In the example, the block is called with dwPulse = 2000. The wait time function is not used.

The example program has a visualization implemented that displays all states:


Clicking on the button <Enable visu control> (bEnVisuControl = TRUE) causes the program to jump from the current step to step 200 (manual operation). Then, the operation of the blocks is done via the corresponding pushbuttons/switches of the individual blocks. When manual operation is switched off again (bEnVisuControl = FALSE), the program jumps to step 249 and restarts from step 0 after the wait time.