
An address must be set at every module so that the field bus Communication Module can access the specific inputs and outputs.


Only one address is used to identify the module on Bus A and Bus B.


CI590-CS31-HA address must be set based on the “number of CS31 modules“ calculated by Automation Builder.

Example: For the first CI590-CS31-HA on CPU CS31 line address 1 is set. There are three CS31 modules (take the actual data from your Automation Builder configuration tree). For the second CI590-CS31-HA on the same line set address 4 (or higher).

For further information on addressing please refer to the CS31 Bus settings:



The address (00d to 99d) is set with two rotary switches on the front panel of the module.


CS31 Bus module reads the position of the address switches only during initialization after power on, i.e. changes of the settings during operation remain ineffective.