Diagnosis LEDs

All S500 modules have LEDs for the display of operating statuses and error messages. They indicate:

LED Status Color LED = ON LED = OFF LED flashes
Input digital input yellow input = ON input = OFF
analog input yellow brightness depends on the value of the analog signal
Output digital output yellow output = ON output = OFF
analog output yellow brightness depends on the value of the analog signal
UP process voltage 24 V DC via terminal green voltage is present voltage is missing
PWR supply voltage 24 V DC via FBP green voltage is present voltage is missing
S-ERR Sum Error red serious error, data exchange is stopped, depends on the behaviour of the master no error error (e.g. error on one channel, data exchange is not stopped
FBP FBP communication green communication between FBP and FBP Interface Module is running communication between FBP and FBP Interface Module is broken during initialization
I/O-Bus I/O-Bus communication green communication between FBP Interface Module and the I/O modules is running no communication between FBP Interface Module and the I/O modules error on one I/O expansion module (e.g. one output short-circuited)
CH-ERR1 Channel Error, error messages in groups (digital or analog inputs and outputs combined into the groups 1, 2, 3, 4) red serious error within the corresponding group no error error on one channel of the corresponding group (e.g. one output short-circuited)
CH-ERR2 red
CH-ERR3 red
CH-ERR4 red
CH-ERR *) Module Error red error within the I/O module
*) All of the LEDs CH-ERR1 to CH-ERR4 (as far as they exist) light up together