CM577-CM Ethernet Communication Module OMB Task InformationΒΆ

Parameter Description
Task state State of the Task:
0 = The task is not initialized
1 = The task is initialized and running
2 = The task is actually initializing
3 = Initialization error
4 = Task is initialized and waits for TCP Task
Error count Number of occurred errors
Last error Last occurred error
Socket status Information about the actual used TCP socket (bit-coded):
1 = Socket 0 (Connection 0 Close/Open, Bit 0)
2 = Socket 1 (Connection 1 Close/Open, Bit 1)
4 = Socket 2 (Connection 2 Close/Open, Bit 2)
8 = Socket 3 (Connection 3 Close/Open, Bit 3)
16 = Socket 4 (Connection 4 Close/Open, Bit 4)
Cyclic event count Counter for cyclic events