Configuration of the CANopen® Remote Devices

CANopen® remote devices can be added to the module CM578_CAN (CM578-CAN) / CM598_CAN (CM598-CAN).

Double-click on a remote device to open the corresponding CANopen® remote device configuration in the editor window. The basic parameters of a remote device can be set up in tab CANopen Remote Device.


The following parameters are available:




Value Meaning
Node ID 1 1…127 Note ID of the remote device

Enable Expert PDO Settings

Remark 1 Configuration of the CANopen® Remote Devices

Disabled Disabled The expert settings for the PDOs are not shown.
Enabled The expert settings for the PDOs are not shown.
Optional Device Disabled Disabled Optional device is disabled.
Enabled Optional device is enabled.
Enable Sync Producer Disabled Disabled Sync producer is disabled.
Enabled Sync producer is enabled.

Remark 1: Enable Expert PDO Settings

This checkbox displays the expert PDO settings. See the following section for more information.