Configuration of the IP Settings with IP Config ToolΒΆ

To access the IP Config Tool, select Tools -> IP Config tool.


-> The IP Config Tool is shown in the editor.


Click Scan button to trigger the scan process for devices in the network.

-> A progress bar shows the current progress. The current configuration of a device selected is shown below the list and can be edited:


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default Value Meaning
BOOTP (read-only) Disabled Disabled

Editing this parameter in IP Config Tool is currently not supported.

The BOOTTP protocol is not supported by PM5xy Onboard Ethernet.

DHCP Disabled Disabled Editing this parameter in IP Config Tool is currently not supported.
IP address   Valid IP address IP address of the device.
Subnet mask Valid subnet mask Subnet mask of the device.
Standard gateway Valid IP address Default gateway address for the device.
Link mode Auto Auto Link mode is detected automatically.
10MB-HD Link mode is set statically to 10 MBit half-duplex.
10MB-FD Link mode is set statically to 10 MBit full-duplex.
100MB-HD Link mode is set statically to 100 MBit half-duplex.
100MB-FD Link mode is set statically to 100 MBit full-duplex.
Send configuration - - Transmitting the IP data to the selected device.

Click button Save Configuration to transmit the IP data to the corresponding device where it will be set.


Make sure that the PLC is in STOP mode before sending the IP settings. Otherwise, an error message will occur.


The PLC will be restarted automatically after sending the configuration.

Click button Scan again to refresh the device list to check that the configuration data has been sent successfully.