Output DescriptionΒΆ

DONE   BOOL \    (done)

Output DONE indicates that the data segment deletion is completed. This output has always to be considered together with output ERR.

The following applies:


The deletion procedure is completed. The data segment has been deleted successfully.


An error occurred while deleting the data segment. The data segment could not be deleted.

ERR   BOOL \    (error)

Output ERR indicates whether an error occurred during the delete operation. This output always has to be considered together with output DONE. If the data segment could not be deleted, the following applies: DONE = TRUE and ERR = TRUE. Output ERNO signalizes the error number.

ERNO   WORD \    (error \ number)

The output ERNO indicates an error number Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries. This output has always to be considered together with the outputs DONE and ERR.

The functions FLASH_DEL, FLASH_WRITE and FLASH_READ are executed in the background by the operating system. This procedures can take quite long time, since the PLC user program is processed with priority. Output ERNO then indicates that the block execution is in progress (0x0FFF).

During this phase, the outputs ERR and DONE are set to FALSE.

The inputs and outputs can neither be duplicated nor inverted.