AC500-Specific PLC Browser Commands¶
The PLC browser interface of the Control Builder provides CoDeSys standard commands as well as AC500-specific commands. The general operation of the PLC browser is described in the according user manual.
This section only describes AC500-specific commands and commands that provide special data for the AC500.
For all commands online help information is available. The help information is displayed language-dependent by entering “?command” when operating in online mode. The command “?” lists all available firmware commands.
The commands listed in online mode can differ from the commands shown when pressing the button […] as the Control Builder version and firmware version can differ. The commands listed when clicking the button […] are defined in the file “Browser.ini” that belongs to the selected target system package (TSP).
The PLC browser provides the following AC500-specific commands:
Command | Meaning | Implementation |
? | Displays all implemented commands | Standard |
mem | Memory dump from up to | Standard |
memc | Memory dump relative to code area | Standard |
memd | Memory dump relative to data area | Standard |
reflect | Reflect actual command line (for test purposes) | Standard |
dpt | Displays the data pointer table | Standard |
ppt | Displays the block pointer table | Standard |
pid | Displays the project ID | Standard |
pinf | Displays project information in the format:
Standard |
tsk | Displays the IEC task list with task information in the format:
Standard |
tskclear | Clears IEC Task information (cycle count & overall maximum and minimum cycle time) | Specific as of V2.0 |
startprg | Starts the user program | Standard (with CPU firmware below V2.3.0) No (with CPU firmware V2.3.0 and higher) |
stopprg | Stops the user program | Standard (with CPU firmware below V2.3.0) No (with CPU firmware V2.3.0 and higher) |
resetprg | Resets the user program | Standard (with CPU firmware below V2.3.0) No (with CPU firmware V2.3.0 and higher) |
resetprgcold | Resets the user program (cold) | Standard (with CPU firmware below V2.3.0) No (with CPU firmware V2.3.0 and higher) |
resetprgorg | Resets the user program (origin) | Standard (with CPU firmware below V2.3.0) No (with CPU firmware V2.3.0 and higher) |
reload | Reloads the boot project from Flash | Standard (not supported with CPU firmware V2.2 or higher) |
getprgprop | Displays program properties in the format:
Standard |
getprgstat | Displays the program status in the format:
Standard |
filecopy | File command copy | No |
filerename | File command rename | No |
filedelete | File command delete | No |
filedir | File command dir | No |
saveretain | In V1.0 and V1.1: Saves the RETAIN variables to the SD card. As of V1.2: Writes the RETAIN variables to RAM (same as retain save) |
Specific |
restoreretain | In V1.0 and V1.1: Restores the RETAIN variables from the SD card. As of V1.2: Restores the RETAIN variables from RAM (same as retain restore) |
Specific |
setpwd | Sets the PLC password (required at logon!) Note: From CPU firmware V2.3.0 and higher, this command works as follows:
Standard (with CPU firmware to V2.3.0) Specific (with CPU firmware V2.3.0 and higher) |
delpwd | Deletes the PLC password Note: From CPU firmware V2.3.0 and higher, this command works only if a password has been set. Also, you have to specify the old password to delete it, i. e. syntax is: delpwd <current_password> |
Standard (with CPU firmware to V2.3.0) Specific (with CPU firmware V2.3.0 and higher) |
plcload | Displays the PLC utilization (system+IEC+tasks+communication) | Standard |
rtsinfo | Displays the firmware information (version, driver) in the format:
u:code:ses IO driver interface
Specific |
traceschedon | Enables task tracing | No |
traceschedoff | Disables task tracing | No |
traceschedstore | Stores task trace to RAM | No |
fdir <path> | Show content of a drive or directory <path> (e.g.:code:fdir userdisk, fdir sdcard/userdata) | Specific as of V2.1 |
fread <path> | Dump a file’s content | Specific as of V2.1 |
mkdir <path> | Create a directory | Specific as of V2.1 |
deldir <path> | Delete an empty directory | Specific as of V2.1 |
rndir <old path> <new path> | Rename a directory | Specific as of V2.1 |
ipaddr | Sets the IP address of the CPU | No |
basetick | Sets the basetick to µs | No |
diagreset | Resets the diagnosis system | Specific |
diagack all | Acknowledges all errors | Specific |
diagack x | Acknowledges all errors of the class X (with X= 1…4) | Specific |
diagshow all | Shows all errors in the format:
Specific |
time | Displays and sets the time of the realtime clock | Specific |
date | Displays and sets the date of the realtime clock | Specific |
batt | Polls the battery status | Specific |
sdappl | Saves the boot project to the SD card | Specific |
sdclone | Copys the user program and the user data to the SD card. | For AC500-S only! |
sdfunc | Displays and changes the SD card function | Specific |
sdboot | Updates the bootcode from the SD card | Specific |
sddisplay | Updates the MMI firmware from the SD card | Specific |
sdfirm | Updates the firmware from the SD card | Specific |
sdcoupler x | Updates the firmware of Communication Module x from the SD card | Specific |
cpuload | Displays the CPU load (current, min., max., average) | Specific |
delappl | Deletes the user program in the Flash memory | Specific |
retain | Saving and restoring the RETAIN variables: retain clear -> Clears all RETAIN variables retain save -> Saves the RETAIN variables to the RAM disk retain restore -> Restores the RETAIN variables from the RAM disk retain export -> Exports the RETAIN variables from the RAM disk to the SD card retain import -> Imports the RETAIN variables from the SD card to the RAM disk |
Specific as of V1.2 |
persistent | Saving and restoring the persistent area %R area: persistent clear -> Clears the %R area persistent save -> Saves the buffered %R area to the RAM disk persistent restore -> Restores the buffered %R area from the RAM disk persistent export -> Exports the buffered %R area from the RAM disk to the SD card persistent import -> Imports the buffered %R area from the SD card to the RAM disk |
Specific as of V1.2 |
io-bus stat | Displays the I/O bus statistic | Specific |
io-bus desc | Displays the I/O bus configuration | Specific |
com protocols | Displays the protocols available for the serial interfaces | Specific |
com settings | Displays the serial interface settings | Specific |
coupler desc | Displays information on the Communication Module interfaces (type, firmware, serial number, date) | Specific |
coupler settings | Displays the current Communication Module settings, for example, IP address and socket assignment | Specific as of V1.2 |
reboot | Reboots the PLC (CoDeSys performs a logout when restarting or logout possible up to 3 seconds after command input) (This command is not available for CM574-RS as of firmware revision V2.1.x) |
Specific |
diskcfg | Access to drive maintenance Command Syntax:
Command Options:
Available Drives (not all commands are supported on all drives):
Specific as of V2.1 |
proddata | Shows Production Data of PLC
Serial No. : 00007134 MAC-Addr : “ |
Specific as of V2.0 |
confdata | Shows Configuration Data of PLC With the Function Blocks CPU_CONFIG_READ CPU_CONFIG_READ: CPU_CONFIG_READ CPU_CONFIG_READ and CPU_CONFIG_WRITE: CPU_CONFIG_WRITE CPU_CONFIG_WRITE (from SysInt_AC500_V10.lib) it is possible to save and load PLC specific configuration of any kind. The AC500 firmware also uses this INI file for settings like IP addresses. |
Specific |