As of CBP 2.4:

For UDP (no AC31 header) configuration add a new object under Ethernet Interface -> Protocols. In the device tree double-click the new added item to open the configuration:


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default Value Meaning
Port 0 0…65535 Port that is used for the UDP connection. See note below for further information.
Size of receive buffer 4096 1464…65535 Size of the receive buffer in [Bytes]. The behaviour in case of a full buffer can be determined with parameter Behaviour on receive buffer overflow.
Size of transmit buffer 4096 0…65535 Size of the transmit buffer in [Bytes].
Receive broadcast Disable Disable Reception of broadcast packages is disabled.
Enable Reception of broadcast packages is enabled. Broadcast packages will not be ignored by the controller.
Behaviour on receive buffer overflow Overwrite Overwrite Incoming packages will overwrite the oldest packages in case of a full receive buffer.
Reject Incoming packages will be rejected in case of a full receive buffer.


The following ports are reserved and will cause a configuration error if selected: 1200, 1201, 123, 80, 24576, 25383.