
Several of the S500 modules have an integrated Fast Counter. If this counter is used, it uses up to 2 digital inputs and one digital output (provided that it is available). The counter can be deactivated. In this case, the inputs and outputs reserved for the counter are usable for other tasks.

The Fast Counter is available in the following constellations:

  • in expansion modules, mounted on I/O-Bus of an AC500-CPU;
  • in CS31 Bus Modules DC551-CS31, CI592-CS31 and CI590-CS31-HA, including a Fast Counter, which can be set operational via the address setting of the module;
  • in PROFINETâ Bus Modules CI501-PNIO (V3) or CI502-PNIO (V3) and the expansion modules connected via I/O-Bus;
  • in expansion modules, connected to PROFINETâ Bus Modules CI504-PNIO or CI506-PNIO;
  • in PROFIBUSâ Bus Modules CI541-DP or CI542-DP and the expansion modules connected via I/O-Bus;
  • in CANopenâ Bus Modules CI581-CN or CI582-CN.

The following table shows which of the S500 Modules contain a Fast Counter and which of the digital inputs and outputs are reserved for the counter.

Fast Counters integrated in S500 Modules
Module Integrated Fast Counter assigned inputs *1) Assigned output Remarks
Channel A Channel B Channel C *2) or (CF)
AI523, AO523 no - - -  
AI531, AI561, AI562, AI563 no - - -
AX521, AX522, AX561 no - - -
DC505-FBP no - - -
DA501 yes DC16 DC17 DC18 Counter function is not available, if the modules are mounted at the I/O-Bus of CI581-CN or CI582-CN.
DA502 yes DC16 DC17 DC18
DC522 yes C8 C9 C10
DC523 yes C16 C17 C18
DC532 yes C24 C25 C26
DC561 no - - -
DI524 yes I24 I25 No hardware output available
DI561, DI562, DI571 no - - -
DO524, DO561, DO571, DO572 no - - -  
DX522 yes I0 I1 The counter does not activate any relay output  
DC551-CS31 yes C16 C17 C18 Counting function is activated by the address setting on the module *3)
CI501-PNIO, CI502-PNIO, CI511-ETHCAT, CI512-ETHCAT - - - -  
CI501-PNIO (V3), CI541-DP, CI581-CN yes DI0 DI1 DO0  
CI502-PNIO (V3), CI542-DP, CI582-CN yes DI8 DI9 DO8
CI590-CS31-HA yes C8 C9 C10 Counting function is activated by the address setting on the module  3)
CI592-CS31 yes DC8 DC9 DC10  
DX531, DX561, DX571 no - - -  

*1) The two hardware inputs (channels A and B) are also and always available within the normal process image, independent of the operating mode of the counter.

*2) The hardware output channel C is activated by the Fast Counter only in the operating modes 1 and 2. In the other operating modes, this output can be used for other purposes.

*3) The counting function of the CS31 Bus Modules can only be activated, if a bus address greater than 70 is set on the module by means of the address rotary switches. In this case, the effective bus address equals the set address minus 70 and the counter is ready for operation. An example: A set bus address of 83 means that the effective bus address = (83 - 70) = 13 and that the integrated Fast Counter can be used.