Features independent of the counter operating mode
- The pulses at the counters’ inputs or the evaluated signals of the traces A and B in case of incremental position sensors are counted.
- The maximum counting frequency of expansion modules, operated at an AC500-CPU or CS31 Bus Module, is 50 kHz. In certain operating modes, the maximum counting frequency is lower (see table Operating Modes Fast Counter below).
- The counting frequency within the bus modules PROFINETâ, PROFIBUSâ und CANopenâ is in modes 1 to 6 max. 200 kHz, in mode 7 max. 50 kHz, in mode 9 max. 35 kHz and in mode 10 max. 20 kHz.
- If using the modules DA501, DC522, DC523, DC532, DC551-CS31, CI592-CS31 and CI590-CS31-HA, each counting input must externally be circuited in series with a resistor of 470 Ω / 1 W, in order to safely avoid influences from the deactivated module outputs to the connected sensors.
- The positive signal edges are counted, if not noted differently.
- By setting the operating mode 0, the counting function is switched off. In this case, the reserved inputs and outputs can be used for other tasks. Simultaneous use of these terminals for the counter and other signals must be avoided.
- The counter’s actual value is provided as a double word (32 bits).
- The counter can count upwards in all operating modes. It counts beginning at the start value (set value) up to the end value (max. from 0 to 4,294,967,295 or hexadecimal from 00 00 00 00 to FF FF FF FF. After reaching 4,294,967,295, the counter jumps with the next pulse to 0. When the counter reaches the programmed end value, the counter output is stored permanently as CF = TRUE (end value reached). Only when the counter is set again (set value), CF is reset to FALSE.