Technical Data

The System Data of AC500 and S500 System Data AC500 are valid for standard version.

The System Data of AC500-XC System Data AC500-XC are valid for the XC version.

Only additional details are therefore documented below.

Bus connection 2 x RJ45 (PNIO1 and PNIO2), with integrated 2-port switch
Switch Integrated
Technology Hilscher netX100
Transfer rate 100 MBit/s (full-duplex)
Transfer method According to Ethernet II, IEE802.3
Bus length (segment length max.) 100 m @ 100 MBit/s
Indicators 5 LEDs
Usable CPUs PM57x, PM58x, PM59x PM57x (-y), PM58x (-y) and PM59x (-y)
Usable Terminal Bases All TB5xx TB51x-TB54x
Ambient temperature 0 °C … +60 °C
Supported alarm types Process Alarm, Diagnostic Alarm, Return of SubModule, Plug Alarm, Pull Alarm
Extended ambient temperature (XC version) On Request
Current consumption from 24 V DC power supply at the Terminal Base of the CPU Ca. 150 mA
Internal Supply Via the Communication Module interface of the Terminal Base
Weight Ca. 170 g
Supported protocols

RTC - Real-time Cyclic Protocol, Class 1

RTA - Real-time Acyclic Protocol

DCP Discovery and Configuration Protocol *

CL-RPC - Connectionless Remote Procedure Call

Acyclic services

PNIO read / write sequence (max. 1392 bytes per telegram, max. 4096 bytes per service request)

Process-Alarm service

Min. bus cycle 1 ms
Conformance Class CC A

* nameOfStation of the IO Controller cannot be set by using the service “DCP SET NameOfStation”. This allocation takes place right after the start up while configuring the IO Controller.