Status Bytes (0 and 1) Functions

  Used by operative modes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Bit 0

CF : TRUE = when end value of counter is reached

The CF bit is cleared if the counter was disabled or a Set/Reset operation was executed.

X X     X X         X X X X  
CF : TRUE = zero crossover indicator               X              
Bit 1 Not used X X   X X X   X     X X X    
Bit 2 RDY_TOUCH : TRUE = new catch/touch value available X X     X X   X     X X X X  
Bit 3 OVERFLOW counter : TRUE = overflow X X     X X         X X X X  
OVERFLOW counter A : TRUE = overflow  0000H <–> FFFFH (65535)     X X                      
Bit 4 SET INPUT counter : TRUE = logical OR function on all inputs (I3 to I7 or I11 to I15) configured as SET input X X     X X   X     X X X X  
OVERFLOW counter B : TRUE = overflow  0000H <–> FFFFH (65535)     X X                      
Bit 5 RESET INPUT counter : TRUE = logical OR function on all inputs (I3 to I7 or I11 to I15) configured as RESET input X X     X X   X     X X X X  
RESET INPUT counter A : TRUE = logical OR function on all inputs (I3 to I7) configured as RESET input     X X                      
Bit 6 NEW : TRUE = new timing value is available                             X
RDY_RPI : TRUE = when the RPI operation is done                     X X X    
Bit 7 RESET INPUT counter B : TRUE = logical OR function on all inputs (I11 to I15) configured as RESET input     X X