Input DescriptionΒΆ
EN (enable)
Data type: BOOL
If a FALSE to TRUE edge is applied to input EN, all further inputs are read in.
If the input values are valid, a corresponding request message is sent to the Communication Module. While this request message is processed, output DONE is set to FALSE.
If at least one input value is invalid, an error is indicated at output ERR. Additionally, the termination of the request processing is indicated by DONE = TRUE. While the request is processed, state changes at input EN are recognized but not evaluated.
SLOT (slot)
Data type: BYTE
At input SLOT the Communication Module slot (module number) is selected which should be used by the Function Block.
The internal Communication Module SLOT always has the module number 0. All external Communication Modules are serially numbered from right to left, starting with module number 1.
SLV (slave)
Data type: BYTE
At input SLV the bus address of the DP slave is specified, to which a global control command shall be sent.
With SLV = 0..126, a particular slave with the corresponding bus address is called directly, independent of the group to which it was assigned during configuration and independent of the value applied at Function Block input GROUP_SEL.
If SLV = 127 and GROUP_SEL = 0, all slaves are called simultaneously. The selection of individual slave groups is done with SLV = 127 and a combination of GROUP_SEL and the group assignment made during configuration. For that reason, the Function Block outputs SLV and GROUP_SEL always have to be considered together with the group assignment made during configuration.
For possible combinations see Possible combinations of global control commands.
GROUP_SEL (slave group selection)
Data type: BYTE
At input GROUP_SEL the slave groups are selected, to which a global control command shall be sent.
With SLV = 0..126, a particular slave with the corresponding bus address is called directly, independent of the group assignment which was made during configuration and independent of the value applied at Function Block input GROUP_SEL. If GROUP_SEL = 0 and SLV = 127, all slaves are called simultaneously.
The selection of individual slave groups is done with SLV = 127 and a combination of GROUP_SEL and the group assignment made during configuration. For that reason, the Function Block outputs SLV and GROUP_SEL always have to be considered together with the group assignment made during configuration.
For possible combinations see Possible combinations of global control commands.
CLR_DATA (clear data)
Data type: BOOL
Using input CLR_DATA, the output data of slaves can be reset on site.
The called slave resets its outputs on-site to 0 when it receives a global control command with CLR_DATA = TRUE.
If the CLR_DATA part of a command is FALSE, the outputs of the called slaves keep their current state. Slaves which are not called ignore the entire command.
For possible combinations see Possible combinations of global control commands.
CLR_DATA is not supported on using Function Block DPM_CTRL with Communication Module of type CM592-DP.
Data type: BOOL
When input UNFREEZE is TRUE, the synchronization mode for input data of the called slaves is terminated, regardless of the current state of input FREEZE (TRUE or FALSE).
Then, the called slaves forward their input values directly to the master again. If the UNFREEZE part of a command is FALSE, the called slaves keep their current state. The UNFREEZE command is ignored, if the called slave is not in the FREEZE state. Slaves, which are not called, ignore the entire command.
UNFREEZE always has to be considered together with FREEZE.
For possible combinations see Possible combinations of global control commands.
Data type: BOOL
When input FREEZE is TRUE and input UNFREEZE is FALSE at the same time, the called slaves change to input data synchronization mode.
This mode is activated with the first FREEZE command. As a result, the called slaves simultaneously freeze the values currently applying at their local inputs and store them temporarily. During the subsequent process data cycles, the temporarily stored input values are transmitted to the master, regardless of possible changes of the input values in the mean time.
When another FREEZE command is received, the temporarily stored input values are updated, i.e. the called slaves simultaneously store the present input values into an internal buffer once again and then transmit these values to the master during the subsequent cycles.
FREEZE always has to be considered together with UNFREEZE.
For possible combinations see Possible combinations of global control commands.
Data type: BOOL
If input UNSYNC is TRUE, the synchronization mode for the output data of the called slaves is terminated, regardless of the current state of input SYNC (TRUE or FALSE). From now on, the called slaves immediately forward the output data received from the master to their own outputs again.
If the UNSYNC part of a command is FALSE, the called slaves keep their current state. The UNSYNC command is ignored, if the called slave is not in the SYNC state. Slaves which are not called ignore the entire command.
UNSYNC always has to be considered together with SYNC.
For possible combinations see Possible combinations of global control commands.
Data type: BOOL
If input SYNC is TRUE and input UNSYNC is FALSE at the same time, the called slaves change to output data synchronization mode.
This mode is activated with the first SYNC command. As a result, the called slaves freeze the current states of their local outputs. The output data sent during the subsequent process data cycles are first stored only locally in these slaves.
On reception of another SYNC command, the slaves then simultaneously apply these temporarily stored values to their outputs. SYNC always has to be considered together with UNSYNC.
For possible combinations see Possible combinations of global control commands.