Mapping to IEC 60870-5-104 type identificationΒΆ

CP56Time2a No timestamp With timestamp
Data point type Norm Floating point Norm Floating point
Measured value
  1. M_ME_NA_1
  1. M_ME_NC_1
  1. M_ME_TD_1
  1. M_ME_TD_1
Set point command
  1. C_SE_NA_1
  1. C_SE_NC_1
  1. C_SE_TA_1
  1. C_SE_TC_1


Data Point type

No timestamp Parameters DP
  Timestamp IA
single-point information (16) Priority  
double-point information Priority  
integrated totals Group (none -> 4), Priority  
measured value (16) Type (float/norm), Priority *1) Threshold, Normalizing
single command    
double command    
set point command Threshold, Normalizing Threshold, Normalizing