PNIO Parameters

In this tab-sheet the cycle parameters and module / submodule parameters will be edited.


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default Value Meaning


(Remark 1 Configuration of Non-ABB PROFINET® IO Devices)

Send clock (ms) Device-specific Device-specific Parameter Send clock determines the sending interval in [ms]. Slave parameters -> Send clock
Reduction ration Device-specific 1…512

The Reduction ratio determines the factor for calculating the SendCycle.

Cycle time = Send clock x Reducation ratio <= 512ms

Slave parameters -> Reduction ratio
RT Class RT Class 1 Data-RTC-PDU RT Class 1 Data-RTC-PDU Defines the Realtime Class of cyclic data. Currently only RT Class 1 Data-RTC-PDU is supported. Slave parameters -> RT Class
RT Class 2 Data-RTC-PDU
RT Class 3 Data-RTC-PDU
VLAN priority 0 0…7 In case of VLAN usage the parameter VLAN priority sets the priority value of the device in a virtual network. Slave parameters -> VLAN Priority

0..4095 or


In case of VLAN usage the parameter VLAN ID represents the ID of the virtual network.

For VLAN type 802.1Q the range is 0..4095 while VLAN type ISL accepts values from 0 to 32767.

The supported type depends on the used device.

Slave parameters -> VLAN ID
Watchdog control   Not used in AC500 firmware. Use timing parameters instead!  
Time (ms)   Not used in AC500 firmware. Use timing parameters instead!  
Module information
Ident number Device-specific Device-specific Identification number of the module. This is read from Gsdml-File and a read-only value. Module parameters -> Module ident number
User parameter
Symbolic values Enabled Disabled No symbolic names for the user parameters. -
Enabled The values for the parameters are shown with symbolic names. -
User parameter Device-specific Device-specific The parameters of a PROFINET® Device are stored as RecordData items. The table “User parameter” is a generic view of the elements of a RecordData item. The Record Data item and it’s default values are read from Gsdml-File. -
Defaults - - The button restores the default values of the user parameters. -