Input DescriptionΒΆ
EN BOOL \ (enable)
If a FALSE > TRUE edge is applied to input EN, the specified package is stored to the transmit buffer and then transmitted.
The following applies:
EN = FALSE: The specified packet is not stored in the transmit buffer and therefore not transmitted.
EN = FALSE/TRUE edge: The specified packet is stored in the transmit buffer and transmitted.
SLOT BYTE \ (slot)
At input SLOT, the Communication Module slot (module number) is selected which shall be used by this Function Block.
The internal Communication Module always has the module number 0. All external Communication Modules are serially numbered from right to left, starting with module number 1.
IP_ADR DWORD \ (IPaddress)
At this input, the IP address of the recipient is specified. Each byte in IP_ADR represents one octet of the address.
IP address,
IP_ADR (hex) 16#C00F1802,
IP_ADR (dec) 3222214658
PRIO BOOL \ (priority)
Input PRIO is used to specify the transmit priority of the data package.
The following applies:
The specified data package has low priority. Thus, it is stored in the low priority transmit buffer. All outputs refer to this buffer.
The specified data package has high priority. Thus, it is stored in the high priority transmit buffer. All outputs refer to this buffer.
TOUT WORD \ (timeout)
Using input TOUT, the timeout period can be specified. If TOUT <> 0, the UDP/IP data exchange is automatically performed with receive acknowledgement. If a data package cannot be transmitted within this period (no acknowledge telegram is received), transmission is aborted and the package is lost.
In this case, some distinctive bytes of the data package (link to Configuration of UDP/IP processing in CoDeSys) are stored to the timeout buffer and can then be read using the Function Block ETH_UDP_STO.
If TOUT = 0, no acknowledgement is expected.
The following applies:
TOUT = 0:
Data exchange without receive acknowledgement. No data are written to the timeout buffer.
TOUT <> 0:
Data exchange with receive acknowledgement. Each transmitted data record is acknowledged by the recipient. If no acknowledge telegram is received within the set timeout period (in ms), the data are written to the timeout buffer.
DATA DWORD \ (data)
At input DATA, the address of the variable is specified the data of which are transmitted as user data in this package. The address specified at DATA has to belong to a variable of the type ARRAY or STRUCT.
LEN WORD \ (length)
At input LEN, the number of user data bytes is specified for the specified package.
The following applies: 1 < LEN < 1464