Output Description



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

Parameters (getBinary, Mode_On_Off) are transferred during active is TRUE.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

The parameter State shows the actual cam state. If State is TRUE, the cam is on. If State is FALSE, the cam is off.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

The output ERR signals any fault detected during the processing of the Function Block. This output always has to be checked in conjunction with the DONE output. If DONE is TRUE and ERR is TRUE, a processing fault was detected. The value of the ERNO output provides the according error number.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD - - -

ErrorID is 1 if communication an error occurred.

ErrorID is 2 if a wrong parameter value is applied to the Function Block.

ErrorID is 3 if a wrong cam type is configured in the device CI51x-ETHCAT.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD - 0…255 -

refNum returns the number of different positions which already have been captured. It counts from 0..255 and starts at 0 again. A change of refNum indicates that a new position has been captured. When the change is >1, it indicates how many positions had been captured since the last call of the Function Block.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
DWORD - - -

Output refPosition returns the captured position.