Technical Data

The System Data of AC500 and S500 System Data AC500 are valid here. Only additional details are therefore documented below.

Field bus connector 2 x RJ45 (ETHCAT1 and ETHCAT2)
Internal Supply Via the communication module interface of the Terminal Base
Protocol EtherCAT®
Bus connection 2 x RJ45
Technology Hilscher netX100
Transfer rate 10/100 MBit/s (full-duplex)
Transfer method According to Ethernet II, IEE802.3
Bus length (segment length max.) 100 m @ 100 MBit/s
Indicators 5 LEDs
Usable CPUs PM57x, PM58x, PM59x PM57x (-y), PM58x (-y) and PM59x (-y)
Usable Terminal Bases All TB5xx TB51x-TB54x
Ambient temperature 0 °C … +60 °C
Current consumption from 24 V DC power supply at the Terminal Base of the CPU Ca. 150 mA
Internal Supply Via the communication module interface of the Terminal Base
Number of slaves Limited to 200
Quantity of input and output data for a single slave Max. 5760 byte (respectively for input and output)
Total quantity of input and output data Max. 5760 byte (respectively for input and output)
Supported protocols

RTC - Real-time Cyclic Protocol, Class 1

RTA - Real-time Acyclic Protocol

Acyclic services

- CoE upload

- CoE download (1500 bytes max.)

- Emergency

Min. bus cycle 1 ms
Max. size of the bus configuration file 1 MB
Weight Ca. 170 g