Preconditions for the Use of the FTP Server

  • The FTP server is available on all AC500 PLCs with nboard Ethernet (i.e. “PM5xx-ETH”) and firmware version 2.1.0 or higher.
  • To start the FTP server it has to be activated in the Automation Builder Configuration of FTP Server (< CBP 2.4).
  • After downloading a project with an activated FTP server, you can connect to the PLC with a standard FTP client Connection to a PLC Running a FTP Server (e.g. “FileZilla”).
  • You can log in with different user names giving access to different drives (for further details please see AC500_CPU_Memory_Locations.doc of the PLC):
User Name Accessible Drives Comment

user ramdisk


Size depends on product

system ramdisk


The system ramdisk should only be used for Firmware updates

Size depends on product

SD card


Availability and size depends on inserted SD card



PM592-ETH only



Size depends on product
root All available drives -

Constraints for the usage of the FTP server are:

  • User passwords are limited to 10 characters (no whitespaces).
  • Directory and file names have to be in standard DOS 8.3 notation (e.g.: “abcdefgh.123” for a file or “12345678” for a directory) without \ / : * ? ” < > |.
  • Directory and file names may not contain whitespaces and are not case-sensitive.
  • Maximum total path length: 255 characters.
  • Maximum number of files in the root directory is limited (depends on memory location).