CM579-PNIO PROFINET® IO Controller List of Slaves View


This is the main diagnosis view for the PROFINET® IO Controller: List of slaves table view.

For every configured Slave the following data are displayed:

Slave name: This is the main identifier on the PROFINET®. (This name can be set or changed using the Assign station name editor tab available at the CM579 Master level)

Name in Project: Name of the node in the Project Tree where this Device is configured


  • configured, active -> all OK, slave is in data exchange
  • configured, inactive -> configured, but not found
  • configured, inactive, faulted-> configured, not in data exchange but with errors
  • configured, active, has active alarm, not acknowledged
  • configured, active, has active alarm, acknowledged

Diagnosis state: special diagnosis error messages (independent of alarms)

Device ID: type ID given by the Vendor

VendorID: identifies the Vendor, ID is unique