Output Description



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

Output DONE indicates the processing state of the Function Block. After completion of the request or after abortion of the Function Block processing due to an error, DONE is set to TRUE for one cycle. This output always has to be considered together with output ERR. If ERR is TRUE, an error occurred. In this case, the error number can be read at output ERNO.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BOOL - - -

Output ERR indicates whether an error occurred during Function Block processing. This output always has to be considered together with output DONE. If DONE = TRUE and ERR = TRUE, an error occurred. In this case, the error number can be read at output ERNO.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD - - -

Output ERNO provides an error identifier if an invalid value has been applied to an input or if an error occurred during Function Block processing. ERNO always has to be considered together with the outputs DONE and ERR. The value output at ERNO is only valid if DONE is TRUE and ERR is TRUE. Encoding of the error messages output at ERNO is explained in a separate table “Error messages of the Function Block libraries” Error Messages of the Function Block Libraries.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit

Output STATE_BITS indicates atypical communication states of the DeviceNet™Communication Module. STATE_BITS is only valid if EN = TRUE and ERR = FALSE.

The structure of the type DNM_STATE_BITS_TYPE is defined in the DeviceNet™library (see description below).


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -

DNM_STATE outputs the general communication state of the DeviceNet™ master. The following states are defined:

State Meaning
Dec Hex  
64 40 STOP
128 80 CLEAR


If DNM_STATE is set to OFFLINE, the DeviceNet™ Communication Module performs an initialization. After the initialization phase is completed, the Communication Module changes to STOP state.


The Communication Module is completely initialized, if DNM_STATE has the value STOP. In this state the Communication Module is ready to receive configuration data. There is no data exchange with the slaves. The Communication Module has this state if no user program is running.


If the user program is started, the Communication Module changes from STOP to CLEAR and starts to establish the connections defined during configuration. After the setup is completed successfully, the Communication Module moves to OPERATE state. If an error occurs during parameterization, the Communication Module changes back to STOP state.


Normally, the Communication Module is in OPERATE state when a user program is running. In this state the master exchanges I/O data with the slaves. If an error occurs during this process and if ‘Auto Clear Mode’ has been selected during configuration, the Communication Module changes back to CLEAR state and tries to establish the connections again. If ‘Auto Clear Mode’ has not been selected during configuration, the Communication Module remains in OPERATE state in case of an error. If the user program is stopped, the Communication Module also changes back to STOP state.

DNM_STATE is only valid if EN = TRUE and ERR = FALSE.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit

Output COM_ERR indicates possibly occurring communication errors. COM_ERR is only valid if EN = TRUE and ERR = FALSE.

Communication errors can be located more detailed using COM_ERR. The output COM_ERR is represented as a structure of the type DNM_COM_ERR_TYPE. In the DeviceNet™ library this data type is declared as follows:



Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD - - -

BUS_ERR outputs the number of occurred bus failures. A bus failure occurs if the internal error frame counter exceeds a specific value. BUS_ERR is only valid if EN = TRUE and ERR = FALSE.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
WORD - - -

BUS_OFF outputs how often the Communication Module has been excluded from bus activities. An exclusion from the bus activities is performed in case of an overflow of the internal error frame counter. The Communication Module is automatically re-initialized after each overflow. BUS_OFF is only valid, if EN = TRUE and ERR = FALSE.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -

If an error occurs, ADDRESS contains the bus address of the faulty device (0 to 63). If ADDRESS has the value 255, the error is located in the Communication Module itself.


Data_Type Default_Value Range Unit
BYTE - - -

In case of an error, EVENT contains the error causing event. The event either refers to single node addresses (ADDRESS 0..63) or to the Communication Module itself (ADDRESS = 255).

ADDRESS <> 255  Error at subscribers with node address “ADDRESS”

Event Meaning Error source Cause / Remedy
1 Slave monitoring failed after slave was already operational Slave Check that the slave is switched on and running
30 Slave access timeout Slave Slave is not responding; check baud rate and MAC ID of the slave
32 Slave refuses access with error ID Slave Get slave diagnosis to evaluate the error ID
35 Slave responds with a connection error during allocation phase Slave Get slave diagnosis to evaluate the extended error ID
36 Actual length of produced connection (input data from the master’s point of view) differs from the configured length Slave / Configuration Get slave diagnosis to determine the actual length
37 Actual length of consumed connection (output data from the master’s point of view) differs from the configured length Slave / Configuration Get slave diagnosis to determine the actual length
38 Unknown and unprocessed slave response to service telegram Slave / Communication Module Get slave diagnosis to determine the actual length
39 Connection already requested Slave Connection is terminated automatically
40 Number of CAN message data bytes is not 4 when reading the length of the produced or the consumed connection Slave Slave behavior does not conform to the standard, communication with slave not possible
41 Predefined master-slave connection already exists Slave / Communication Module Connection is terminated automatically
42 Slave polling response length differs from the produced connection length Slave -
43 Sequence error in slave polling response Slave The first two segments in multiplex transfer were received
44 Fragmentation error in slave polling response Slave Fragmentation counter differs from the expected value in multiplex transfer
45 Sequence error in slave polling response Slave Middle or last segment was received prior to first segment
46 Bit strobe response length differs from the produced connection length Slave -
47 Sequence error in state change response or cyclical response of the slave Slave The first two segments in multiplex transfer were received
48 Fragmentation error in state change response or cyclical response of the slave Slave Fragmentation counter differs from the expected value in multiplex transfer
49 Sequence error in state change response or cyclical response of the slave Slave Middle or last segment was received prior to first segment
51 Length of state change response or cyclical response of the slave differs from the produced connection length Slave -
52 UCMM group not supported Slave Change UCMM group
59 Actual configuration data contain duplicate device addresses Configuration Each device must have a unique MAC ID; edit configuration data
60 Invalid length indicator of a slave data set Configuration Error when loading the configuration data; contact customer support
61 Additional table of predefined master-slave connections has invalid length indicator Configuration Error when loading the configuration data; contact customer support
62 Invalid length indicator of the master-slave I/O configuration table Configuration Error when loading the configuration data; contact customer support
63 Predefined master-slave I/O configuration differs from the additional table Configuration Different number of I/O modules and configured offset addresses; contact customer support
64 Invalid length indicator of the parameter data set Configuration Value of length indicator too low; contact customer support
65 Number of inputs declared in the additional table differs from the number of inputs defined in the I/O configuration Configuration Each I/O configuration entry must have exactly one entry assigned in the additional table; contact customer support
66 Number of outputs declared in the additional table differs from the number of outputs defined in the I/O configuration Configuration Each I/O configuration entry must have exactly one entry assigned in the additional table; contact customer support
67 I/O configuration contains unknown data type Configuration Only the data types BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD and STRING are supported
68 Data type of a configured I/O module in a connection differs from the defined data length Configuration

The following data types and lengths are valid:

BOOL = 1 byte

UINT8 = BYTE = 1 byte

UINT16 = WORD = 2 bytes

UINT32 = DWORD = 4 bytes

69 The configured output addresses of a module (offset + length) exceed the maximum value of 3584 Configuration The process data image is limited to 3584 bytes
70 The configured input addresses of a module (offset + length) exceed the maximum value of 3584 Configuration The process data image is limited to 3584 bytes
71 Unknown predefined connection type Configuration Only the connection types cyclic, poll, state change and bit strobe are supported
72 Multiple parallel connections defined Configuration Only one connection type is supported per slave
73 The configured expected packet rate of a connection is smaller than the production inhibit time Configuration Expected packet rate has to be greater than the production inhibit time

ADDRESS = 255  Communication Module error

Event Meaning Error source Cause / Remedy
52 Unknown process data handshake mode Configuration Contact customer support
53 Invalid data transfer rate Configuration Check the data transfer rate; contact customer support
54 Invalid MAC ID Configuration Check the MAC ID specified in configuration data
57 Duplicate MAC ID found on the bus Configuration / other device Check the MAC ID of all devices specified in configuration data
58 No device entry in current configuration data Configuration Error when loading the configuration data; contact customer support
210 No configuration data Configuration / Communication Module Load configuration data into Communication Module
212 Error while reading database Configuration / Communication Module Contact customer support
220 Watchdog error Controller Contact customer support
221 No process data handshake Controller Contact customer support