Parameterization of the I/O Bus

Double-click the IO_Bus node in the device tree to open the I/O-Bus configuration.

The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default Value Meaning
Run on config fault No No In case of configuration fault the user program will not be launched.
Yes The user program will be also launched in case of configuration error on the I/O Bus.
Max wait run 3000 0…120000 Maximum waiting time for valid inputs.

In case of a digital I/O Module, the channels are provided as WORD, BYTE and BOOL. Because the analog inputs can also be configured as digital inputs, bit 0 of each channel is also available as BOOL.

The symbolic name of a channel can be entered in front of the string “AT” in the channel declaration.


All channels should have a symbolic name and only symbolic names should be used in the program code. If the hardware configuration has changed or if you want to download the project to a PLC with another hardware configuration and thus the PLC configuration has to be changed, the addresses of the inputs and outputs can change. In case of symbolic programming (i.e., symbolic names are used), the program code does not have to be changed.