Connecting the DC551 and S500 I/O Devices to the CS31 Bus

The basic module DC551-CS31 is available in two versions in Automation Builder:

  • DC551-CS31 8 DI + 16 DC / without Fast Counter

    The addresses 00…69 can be set at the module and in Automation Builder.

  • DC551-CS31 8 DI + 16 DC + 2FC / with 2 Fast Counters

    The hardware addresses 70…99 can be set at the module. This corresponds to the module addresses 00…29 with activated counter. In Automation Builder and at the Function Block CNT_DC551, the module address (00..29) is set.

For more information, see documentation of Function Block CNT_DC551 in Library Documentation.

Available parameters
Parameter Default value Value Description

Ignore module

Module Parameter Ignore Module

No No It is checked whether the module exists on the CS31 Bus.
Yes Module is not checked. -> available as of CPU firmware V1.2.0 and PS501 V1.2
Module address 0 0…69 Module address of the DC551-CS31 without fast counter
0…29 Module address of the DC551-CS31 with fast counter


Connecting the DC551 and S500 I/O Devices to the CS31 Bus

On On The error LED lights up for errors of all classes, no failsafe function activated.
Off_by_E4 Warnings (E4) are not indicated by the error LED, no failsafe function activated.
Off_by_E3 Warnings (E4) and light errors (E3) are not indicated by the error LED. No failsafe function activated.
On+failsafe The error LED lights up for errors of all classes and the failsafe function of the CS31 Bus is activated. -> available as of CPU firmware V1.2.0, DC551-CS31 firmware V1.9 and PS501 V1.2
Off_by_E4+failsafe Warnings (E4) are not indicated by the error LED, the failsafe function of the CS31 Bus is activated. -> available as of CPU firmware V1.2.0, DC551 firmware V1.9 and PS501 V1.2
Off_by_E3+failsafe Warnings (E4) and light errors (E3) are not indicated by the error LED, the failsafe function of the CS31 bus is activated. -> available as of CPU firmware V1.2.0, DC551-CS31 firmware V1.9 and PS501 V1.2
Check supply On On Control voltage monitoring ON
Off Control voltage monitoring OFF
Input delay 8 ms 0.1 / 1 / 8 / 32 ms Input delay 0.1 / 1 / 8 / 32 ms

Fast counter

Connecting the DC551 and S500 I/O Devices to the CS31 Bus

0-No counter 0-No counter Operation mode of the fast counter Fast Counters: Fast Counters The Fast Counters in the AC500
Detection short-circuits at outputs On On Output short-circuit detection ON
Off Output short-circuit detection OFF

Behaviour of outputs at communication fault

Connecting the DC551 and S500 I/O Devices to the CS31 Bus

Off Off Behavior of outputs at communication faults on the CS31 Bus OFF
Last value Last value -> available as of CPU firmware V1.2.0, DC551-CS31 firmware V1.9 and PS501 V1.2
Substitute value Substitute value -> available as of CPU firmware V1.2.0, DC551-CS31 firmware V1.9 and PS501 V1.2
Last value 5 sec. Last value for 5 seconds -> available as of CPU firmware V1.2.0, DC551-CS31 firmware V1.9 and PS501 V1.2
Substitute value 5 sec. Substitute value for 5 seconds -> available as of CPU firmware V1.2.0, DC551-CS31 firmware V1.9 and PS501 V1.2
Last value 10 sec. Last value for 10 seconds -> available as of CPU firmware V1.2.0, DC551-CS31 firmware V1.9 and PS501 V1.2
Substitute value 10 sec. Substitute value for 10 seconds -> available as of CPU firmware V1.2.0, DC551-CS31 firmware V1.9 and PS501 V1.2

Substitute value

Connecting the DC551 and S500 I/O Devices to the CS31 Bus




Substitute value for the outputs, one bit per output, bit 0=C8 .. bit 15=C23 -> available as of CPU firmware V1.2.0, DC551-CS31 firmware V1.9 and PS501 V1.2

No Counter


If a DC551 is configured as a Fast Counter module and ‘0 - no Counter’ in the Automation Builder is selected the channel ERR LEDs stays on and the module does not start up. The address was adjusted with ‘71’. Only the‘0- no Counter’ mode does not operate. If any other counter is selected e.g. ‘1-1 Up counter’ the module starts up and can be utilized.

Failsafe Function of CS31 Bus

The setting of the parameter Behaviour of outputs in communication fault directly influences the failsafe function of the outputs of the S500 I/O devices.

To connect further S500 I/O Modules to the basic module DC551-CS31 via the I/O Bus, see the following steps.

  1. Right-click the element DC551-CS31 in the configuration tree and select the menu item Add device.

    The Add Device dialog window appears. It shows all available I/O Modules that can be added to DC551-CS31.

  2. Choose the modules you want to attach to DC551-CS31.

A maximum of 7 expansions with a total of 240 DI / 240 DO and 40 AI / 40 AO can be appended to the module.

When addressing S500 I/O devices at the CS31 bus, observe the following peculiarities concerning the CS31 bus in the AC500.

  • A CS31 software module can occupy a maximum of -> 15 bytes of inputs and 15 bytes of outputs in the digital area. This corresponds to 15 x 8 = 120 digital inputs and 120 outputs.

  • A CS31 software module can allocate a maximum of -> 8 words of inputs and 8 words of outputs in the analog area.

  • A maximum of 31 of these CS31 software modules are allowed for connection to the CS31 bus.

  • If a device has more than 15 bytes or 8 words of inputs or outputs, it occupies 2 or more of the 31 CS31 software modules.

  • The DC551-CS31 can internally manage 2 CS31 software modules in the digital area and 5 CS31 software modules in the analog area. This corresponds to a maximum of: 240 digital inputs (2 x 15 bytes), 240 digital outputs (2 x 15 bytes), 40 analog inputs (5 x 8 words) and 40 analog outputs (5 x 8 words).

  • Address setting is done at the DC551-CS31 using two rotary switches at the module’s front plate.

  • To enable the fast counter of the DC551-CS31, the hardware address (HW_ADR) has to be set to the module address + 70. With activated fast counter, the module addresses 0..28 (hardware address setting 70..98) are allowed. Then, the DC55-CS31 registers as 2 CS31 software modules using the module address (hardware address 70), once in the digital area and once in the analog area.

  • CS31 software module 1 in digital area: Registers using the module address.

    CS31 software module 2 in digital area: Registers using module address+7 and bit “Channel >= 7” set.

    CS31 software module 1 in analog area: Registers using the module address.

    CS31 software module 2 in analog area: Registers using module address and bit “Channel >= 7” set.

    CS31 software module 3 in analog area: Registers using the module address+1.

    CS31 software module 4 in analog area: Registers using module address+1 and bit “Channel >= 7” set.

  • The DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 255 parameters. This does not cause any restrictions in all configurations with the currently available S500 I/O Devices.

  • The next free address for a DC551-CS31 is derived from the highest address occupied in the digital area or the analog area of the previous DC551-CS31.

  • When connecting several S500 expansion modules to a DC551-CS31 via the I/O Bus, their inputs and outputs follow the DC551-CS31’s inputs and outputs without gap. Such a cluster can occupy up to 6 CS31 software modules.

  • A maximum of 7 S500 expansion modules (extensions) can be connected to a DC551-CS31.


Possible configuration consisting of two combined input/output modules.


The Fast Counters of the input/output Modules (e.g. “DC532”) are only available if the modules are connected to the CPU’s I/O Bus.

Summary of Input/Output Data of S500 I/O Devices\ \ \

Available input/output data and parameters with S500 I/O devices
Device ID I/O range Digital area [Byte] Analog area [Words] Parameter [Byte]
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
CD522 1805 2 DI + 2 DI (encoder) + 8 DC + 2 DO PWM 6 7 8 8 6
DA501 1810 16 DI + 8 DC + 4 AI + 2 AO 3 1 5 2 8
DC551 2716 8 DI + 16 DC 3 2 0 0 15
DC551+FC 2715 8 DI + 16 DC + FC 5 4 4 8 16
AI523 1515 16 AI 0 0 16 0 36
AI531 1535 8 AI 0 0 8 1 36
AO523 1510 16 AO 0 0 0 16 41
AX521 1505 4 AI + 4 AO 0 0 4 4 23
AX522 1500 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 39
DC522 1220 16 DC 2 2 0 0 8
DC523 1215 24 DC 3 3 0 0 10
DC532 1200 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 8
DI524 1000 32 DI 4 0 0 0 4
DX522 1210 8 DI + 8 DX 1 1 0 0 6
DX531 1205 8 DI + 4 DX 1 1 0 0 6
Available input/output data and parameters with S500-eCo I/O devices
Device ID I/O range Digital area [Byte] Analog area [Words] Parameter [Byte]
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
DI561 6105 8 DI, 24 V DC 1 0 0 0 0
DI562 6110 16 DI, 24 V DC 2 0 0 0 0
DI571 6115 8 DI, 100-240 V AC 1 0 0 0 0
DO561 6120 8 DO 24 V DC, 0.5 A, transistor 0 1 0 0 0
DO571 6125 8 DO, up to 240 V AC/DC, 2.0 A, relay 0 1 0 0 1
DO572 6130 8 DO, 100-240 V AC, 0.5 A, triac 0 1 0 0 0
DX561 6135 8 DI 24 V DC + 8 DO 24 V DC, 0.5 A, transistor 1 1 0 0 0
DX571 6140 8 DI 24 V DC + 8 DO, up to 240 V AC/DC, 2.0 A, relay 1 1 0 0 1
DC561 6100 24 DC, 24 V DC, 0.1 A, Interfast connection 2 2 0 0 0
AI561 6500 4 AI, U/I. configurable 0 0 4 0 6
AI562 6505 2 AI, RTD, configurable 0 0 2 0 4
AI563 6510 4 AI, thermocouple, configurable 0 0 4 0 6
AO561 6515 2 AO, U/I, configurable 0 0 0 4 4
AX561 6520 4 AI, U/I + 2 AO, U/I, configurable 0 0 8 4 8

Examples of Impossible Configurations\ \ \

Due to the peculiarities concerning the CS31 bus and the DC551-CS31 described at the beginning of this chapter, some configurations cannot be realized.

Example: DC551-CS31 + 6 x DC532\ \ \

This configuration is not possible because the DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 30 bytes in the digital area (= 120 inputs/outputs).

Device I/O range Digital area [Byte] Analog area [Words] Parameter [Byte]
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC 3 2 0 0 15
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9
DC532 16 DI + 16 DC 4 2 0 0 9

Example: DC551-CS31 + 6 (or more) AX522\ \ \

This configuration is not possible because the DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 40 words in the analog area. For 7 AX522, the number of analog channels increases accordingly.

Device I/O range Digital area [Byte] Analog area [Words] Parameter [Byte]
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC 3 2 0 0 15
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40
AX522 8 AI + 8 AO 0 0 8 8 40

Example: DC551-CS31 + 3 (or more) AO523\ \ \

This configuration is not possible because the DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 40 words in the analog area. For each further AO523, the number of analog channels increases accordingly.

Device I/O range Digital area [Byte] Analog area [Words] Parameter [Byte]
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC 3 2 0 0 15
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42

Example: DC551-CS31 + 3 (or more) AI523\ \ \

This configuration is not possible because the DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 40 words in the analog area. For each further AI523, the number of analog channels increases accordingly.

Device I/O range Digital area [Byte] Analog area [Words] Parameter [Byte]
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC 3 2 0 0 15
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37

Example: DC551-CS31 with FC + 3 (or more) AO523\ \ \

This configuration is not possible because the DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 40 words in the analog area. For each further AO523, the number of analog channels increases accordingly.

Device I/O range Digital area [Byte] Analog area [Words] Parameter [Byte]
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC + FC 5 4 4 8 16
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42
AO523 16 AO 0 0 0 16 42

Example: DC551-CS31 with FC + 3 (or more) AI523\ \ \

This configuration is not possible because the DC551-CS31 can manage a maximum of 40 words in the analog area. For each further AI523, the number of analog channels increases accordingly.

Device I/O range Digital area [Byte] Analog area [Words] Parameter [Byte]
Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs
DC551 8 DI + 16 DC + FC 5 4 4 8 16
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37
AI523 16 AI 0 0 16 0 37