Users Dialog¶
The currently registered users are listed in a tree structure. If defined via the Add User or Edit User dialog (see below) besides the Name (log-on name) also the full name and a description for the user are displayed. The ownerships of each user can be viewed resp. hidden via the plus resp. minus sign. Each user per default is member of group User and Access Rights Management.
Define a new user account:
Use button Add to open the Add User dialog:
Fill in the following fields:
Account properties:
Login name: Log-on name for the new user.
Full name: Complete name of the new user. Just to give additional information.
Description: Description on the new user. Just to give additional information.
Old Password: This field is only editable, when the dialog is used for modifying an existing user account (“Edit User”, see below). Before you can modify the password of an existing user, you must enter the currently valid password.
Password: Password for the new user. The entry is masked by * characters.
Confirm password: The entry made in field ‘Password’ must be repeated here and you will get an error message if the two entries do not match. Also here the entry is masked by * characters
Active: If this option is activated the user account is valid. If the account is not valid, the user cannot log-on. An account might be deactivated automatically if repeatedly a log-on has been tried with incorrect authentication entries.
Memberships: In this list all currently existing user groups are listed, beside group “Everyone”, to which the new user belongs automatically. By selecting the respective entries () you can define to which groups the new user should belong.
To set up the new user close the dialog with OK. If there are incorrect entries (no login name, password mismatch, user already existing) you will get an appropriate error message.
Modify an existing user account:
Use button Edit to open the Edit User dialog. The entry fields are the same as in the Add User dialog (see above). The password fields however - for safety reasons - will show 32 * characters. After having modified the desired entries close the dialog with OK to get applied the new settings.
Remove one or several user accounts:
Select the respective users in the Users list and use button Remove. Note that you will get no further inquiry! An appropriate error message will appear if you try to delete all users from the group. At least one must remain.