PLC-Browser Commands for Accessing the SD CardΒΆ

Command Function

Displays and sets the SD Card function FunctionOfCard:

  • 0 None
  • 1 Load user program
  • 2 Load firmware
  • 3 Load user program and firmware
sdfirm x Update CPU firmware (x = firmware version, firmware has to be on the according SD Card folder)
sdboot x Update CPU bootcode (x = bootcode version, bootcode has to be on the according SD Card folder)
sddisplay x Update CPU display (x = display version, firmware has to be on the according SD Card folder)
sdonboardio x Update CPU display (x = display version, firmware has to be on the according SD Card folder)
sdrtcbat x Update of the eCo CPU rtcbatt firmware (x = version, firmware has to be on the according SD Card folder)
sdcoupler x Update Communication module firmware (x = slot of the communication module, fimrware has to be on the according SD card folder)
sdappl Saves the user program (boot project) stored in Flash memory to the SD Card (files Default.prg and Default.chk) and sets the SD Card function to Load user program Set FunctionOfCard=+1 (bit 0 = 1) and UserProgram=1
saveretain Up to V1.1: Saves the RETAIN variables RETAIN.BIN to the SD card (not from %M area)
restoreretain Up to V1.1: Restores the RETAIN variables RETAIN.BIN from SD Card to SRAM (not from %M area)

As of V1.2: Saving and restoring the RETAIN variables:

retain export -> Exports the RETAIN variables from the RAM disk to the SD Card

retain import -> Imports the RETAIN variables from the SD Card to the RAM disk


As of V1.2: Saving and restoring the persistent area %R area:

persistent export -> Exports the buffered %R area from the RAM disk to the SD card

persistent import -> Imports the buffered %R area from the SD Card to the RAM disk