Blocks for Storing/Reading User Data to/from the SD CardΒΆ

The following blocks are used to write and read user data from the CPU program to/from\ the SD card:\ \ \

  • Library: SysInt_AC500_Vxx.lib
  • Folder: ..\Data Storage\ SD card The library SysExt_AC500_Vxx.lib is also required. Both libraries are loaded automatically when creating a project for an AC500 CPU.
  • Blocks: SD_WRITE: SD_WRITE SD_WRITE - Writes user data; SD_READ: SD_READ SD_READ - Reads user data

The blocks SD_WRITE and SD_READ are described in the documentation for the block library SysInt_AC500_Vxx.lib.

The inputs and outputs of the block SD_WRITE and their functions are as follows:

Name Type Assignment
EN BOOL The FALSE->TRUE edge starts the write process

Write attribute of the block:

1 - Delete file

2 - Write append

3 - Write sector label

FILENO BYTE Consecutive file number 0 <=xx<=99 (USRDATxx.DAT)
SEG POINTER TO STRING Pointer to sector label string (via ADR operator)

Data format:

00 hex - 0 - BYTE

01 hex - 1 - CHAR

10 hex - 16 - WORD

11 hex - 17 - INT

20 hex - 32 - DWORD

21 hex - 33 - DINT

NVAR WORD Number of variables to be written
ADRVAR DWORD Address of the first variable, starting from which the data are available in the CPU (via ADR operator)
DONE BOOL Function completed
ERR BOOL Error: FALSE=no error, TRUE=error
ERNO INT Error number

The inputs and outputs of the block SD_READ and their functions are as follows:

Name Type Assignment
EN BOOL The FALSE->TRUE edge starts the read process

Read attribute of the block:

1 - Open file, seek sector, read data set

2 - Open file, read data set

3 - Open and read next data set

4 - Read data set, close file

5 - Close file

FILENO BYTE Consecutive file number 0 <=xx<=99 (USRDATxx.DAT)
SEG POINTER TO STRING Pointer to sector label string (via ADR operator)

Data format:

00 hex - 0 - BYTE

01 hex - 1 - CHAR

10 hex - 16 - WORD

11 hex - 17 - INT

20 hex - 32 - DWORD

21 hex - 33 - DINT

NVAR WORD Number of variables to be read
ADRVAR DWORD Address of the first variable, starting from which the data are stored to the CPU (via ADR operator)
DONE BOOL Function completed
ERR BOOL Error: FALSE=no error, TRUE=error
ERNO INT Error number